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Newly Available Titles ()
Title: Learning theory and behavior / |
Author: Mowrer, Orval Hobart, 1907-1982. |
Publication Year: [1960] |
Call No.: RBK1960-01931 |
Title: Guidance in elementary education / |
Author: Willey, Roy De Verl. |
Publication Year: [1960] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02393 |
Title: English hymns. |
Author: Pollard, Arthur. |
Publication Year: [1960] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02978 |
Title: The theory of the leisure class : an economic study of institutions / |
Author: Veblen, Thorstein, 1857-1929. |
Publication Year: [1960, ©1899] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02365 |
Title: Approach to archaeology / |
Author: Piggott, Stuart, author. |
Publication Year: [1959]. |
Call No.: RBK1960-02146 |
Title: Motion and time study / |
Author: Barnes, Ralph M. 1900-1984. (Ralph Mosser), |
Publication Year: [1958], 1969. |
Call No.: RBK1960-02582 |
Title: 史學硏究論文集 / |
Author: 呂振羽, 1901-1980. |
Publication Year: [1954] |
Call No.: RBK1950-C00211 |
Title: Chinese thought from Confucius to Mao Tsê-tung / |
Author: Creel, H.G. 1905-1994. (Herrlee Glessner), |
Publication Year: [1953], 1969 sixth impression. |
Call No.: RBK1960-02954 |
ISBN: 9780226120294 |
Title: The way to vocabulary power and culture / |
Author: Funk, Wilfred J. 1883-1965. (Wilfred John), |
Publication Year: [1946], 1961 eleventh printing. |
Call No.: RBK1960-02950 |
Title: Teach yourself to express yourself / |
Author: Jepson, R. W. 1888-1954. (Rowland Walter), |
Publication Year: [1944]. |
Call No.: RBK1960-02360 |
Title: 郑和下西洋 / |
Publication Year: [19--] |
Call No.: RBK1970-C05694 |
Title: 巧妙小工藝 / |
Publication Year: [19--] |
Call No.: RBK1970-C05901 |
Title: 欲求的心理 / |
Publication Year: [19--?] |
Call No.: RBK1970-C05921 |
Title: Origins of West African nationalism / |
Author: Wilson, Henry S. |
Publication Year: [©1969] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02427 |
Title: Towards an integrated society : reflections on planning, social policy and rural institutions / |
Author: Singh, Tarlok, 1913-2005. |
Publication Year: [©1969] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02976 |
ISBN: 9780837123387 |
Title: Going their way / |
Author: McCallum, John D. 1924-1988. (John Dennis), |
Publication Year: [©1969] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02514 |
Title: Anatomy of Europe : a guide to the workings, institutions, and character of contemporary Western Europe / |
Author: Sampson, Anthony, 1926-2004. |
Publication Year: [©1968]. |
Call No.: RBK1960-02898 |
Title: The book : on the taboo against knowing who you are / |
Author: Watts, Alan, 1915-1973. |
Publication Year: [©1966] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02222 |
Title: Science of printing technology / |
Author: Coupe, Raymond Richard. |
Publication Year: [©1966] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02974 |
Title: Sexual morality / |
Author: Atkinson, Ronald. |
Publication Year: [©1965]. |
Call No.: RBK1960-02462 |
Title: Teachers and machines : an introduction to the theory and practice of programmed learning / |
Author: Richmond, W. Kenneth 1910-1990. (William Kenneth), |
Publication Year: [©1965] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02169 |
Title: Fully-fashioned garment manufacture / |
Author: Mills, Ralph William. |
Publication Year: [©1965] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02407 |
Title: Delinquency and child guidance : selected papers / |
Author: Aichhorn, August, 1878-1949. |
Publication Year: [©1964]. |
Call No.: RBK1960-02183 |
Title: Dunlop book of facts : textbook for general knowledge / |
Author: McWhirter, Norris, 1925-2004. |
Publication Year: [©1964] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02922 |
Title: Teaching health in elementary schools / |
Author: Vannier, Maryhelen, 1915- |
Publication Year: [©1963] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02970 |
Title: On the theory of social change : how economic growth begins / |
Author: Hagen, Everett E. 1906-1992. (Everett Einar), |
Publication Year: [©1962] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02971 |
Title: Championship cricket : a review of county cricket since 1945 / |
Author: Bailey, Trevor. |
Publication Year: [©1961] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02676 |
Title: Scientists behind the inventors / |
Author: Burlingame, Roger, 1889-1967. |
Publication Year: [©1960]. |
Call No.: RBK1960-02280 |
Title: Psychopathology and politics / |
Author: Lasswell, Harold Dwight. |
Publication Year: [©1960] |
Call No.: RBK1960-02699 |
Title: 奈良大佛 : 世界最大的铸造佛 / |
Author: 香取忠彦, 1930- |
Publication Year: [ 2021] |
Call No.: NB 1057 N36 Kat 2021 |
ISBN: 9787208166301 |