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Newly Available Titles ()
Title: Rasch models for solving measurement problems : invariant measurement in the social sciences / |
Author: Engelhard, George, 1953- author. |
Call No.: H 61.25 Eng 2021 |
ISBN: 1544363028 |
Title: A century of Christian Science Healing /. by The Christian Science Publishing Society. |
Author: The Christian Science Publishing Society. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03544 |
Title: The story of American statehood / |
Author: Thomas, Dana Lee, 1918- |
Call No.: RBK1960-03621 |
Title: Northumberland. |
Author: Sharp, Thomas, 1901-1978. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03908 |
ISBN: 0571046770 |
Title: 常用中草藥彩色圖譜. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06136 |
Title: Linear algebra / |
Author: Stoll, Robert Roth. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03813 |
ISBN: 9780126721300 |
Title: The world's best fairy tales : a Reader's digest anthology / |
Author: Sideman, Belle Becker. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03392 |
Title: Verbos no passado : 100 exercícios com explicações : níveis A1 a C2 / |
Author: Oliveira, Diana, autor. |
Call No.: PC 5067.3 Oli 2021 |
ISBN: 9897525084 |
Title: Qualitative data collection tools : design, development, and applications / |
Author: Billups, Felice D., author. |
Call No.: LB 2326.3 Bil 2021 |
ISBN: 1544334826 |
Title: 唐以前小學書之分類與考證 / |
Author: 林明波, 1929- |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06160 |
Title: Creative composition |
Author: McMaster, R. J. 1926- (Ronald Joseph), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03938 |
Title: 兒童發展與輔導 / |
Author: 賈馥茗, 1931- author |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06445 |
Title: Children's literature : strategies of teaching / |
Author: Whitehead, Robert J. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03249 |
Title: The province of poetry / |
Author: Benjamin, Edwin Bonette. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03413 |
Title: Frontiers in Archeology / |
Author: Silverberg, Robert. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03434 |
Title: Everyday life in Roman and Anglo-Saxon times : including Viking and Norman times / |
Author: Quennell, Marjorie. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03255 |
Title: Irrigation principles and practices / |
Author: Israelsen, Orson Winso, 1887-1968. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03172 |
Title: 御定歷代題畫詩類 / |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06389 |
Title: When in Greece / |
Author: Lathen, Emma. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03435 |
ISBN: 9780671202095 |
Title: English language for sixth forms / |
Author: Boote, Robert. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03446 |
Title: Materials for missiles and spacecraft / |
Author: Parker, Earl R. 1912- editor. (Earl Randall), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03774 |
Title: Comparative perspectives on stratification: Mexico, Great Britain, Japan / |
Call No.: RBK1960-03412 |
Title: A theory of leadership effectiveness / |
Author: Fiedler, Fred Edward. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03771 |
Title: At ease : stories I tell to friends / |
Author: Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1890-1969. (Dwight David), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03508 |
Title: The first age of the Portuguese embassies, navigations and peregrinations to the ancient kingdoms of Cambay and Bengal (1500-1521). |
Author: Smith, Ronald Bishop, comp. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03665 |
Title: 商業本質論文集 / |
Author: 肯秋隆 (Cantillon, Richard) 撰. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C05991 |
Title: Harmonic 33 / |
Author: Cathie, Bruce L. 1930- (Bruce Leonard), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03328 |
ISBN: 9780589010553 |
Title: Modern school hygiene / |
Author: Gamlin, Raymond. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03250 |
Title: Man against cancer / |
Author: Glemser, Bernard, 1908-1990. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03194 |
Title: Active psychotherapy / |
Author: Herzberg, Alexander, 1887- |
Call No.: RBK1960-03232 |