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Title: Canada / |
Author: Moore, Brian, 1921-1999. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03034 |
Title: Batalhas e combates da marinha portuguesa : poder naval à escala planetária / |
Author: Monteiro, Armando da Silva Saturnino, 1923- autor |
Call No.: DP 551 Mon 1989 |
ISBN: 9725623215 |
Title: Wales : a physical, historical and regional geography / |
Author: Bowen, Emrys George. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03309 |
Title: Modern speech / |
Author: Irwin, John V., author. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03407 |
Title: The centre of the world; communism and the mind of China / |
Author: Elegant, Robert S. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03206 |
Title: Readings on British politics and government / |
Author: Benewick, Robert, compiler. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03219 |
ISBN: 9780340077153 |
Title: Analysing qualitative data in psychology / |
Call No.: BF 76.5 Ana 2021 |
ISBN: 1529702097 |
Title: Reflexos : símbolos e imagens do cristianismo na porcelana chinesa, exposição, Museu de São Roque = Reflections : symbols and images of Christianity on Chinese porcelain : exhibition, Museu de São Roque / |
Call No.: NK 4565 Ref 1996 |
ISBN: 9789728325091 |
Title: 中國圖書館學會年會論文集 |
Author: 中國圖書館學會年會 (中國) |
Call No.: Z 673 C5 Chu |
Title: 普賢行願品 / |
Call No.: RBK1970-C05953 |
Title: The two-ocean war : a short history of the United States Navy in the Second World War / |
Author: Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887-1976, author. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03616 |
ISBN: 9780316583527 |
Title: Unlocking Luhmann : a keyword introduction to systems theory / |
Author: Baraldi, Claudio. |
Call No.: HM 701 Bar 2021 |
ISBN: 3837656748 |
Title: The shadow of Blooming Grove : Warren G. Harding in his times / |
Author: Russell, Francis, 1910-1989. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03877 |
Title: 香港流行音樂專輯101 / |
Author: Muzikland, author. |
Call No.: ML 3502 C58 H7 Muz 2018 |
ISBN: 9888513710 |
Title: 當代中國十位哲人及其文章 / |
Author: 藍吉富 |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06364 |
Title: 婚姻啓蒙 / |
Author: 香港家庭計劃指導會. 家庭生活敎育小組委員會. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C05960 |
Title: Public finance / |
Author: Eckstein, Otto. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03714 |
Title: Story of our land and people / |
Author: Moon, Glenn W. (Glenn William) |
Call No.: RBK1960-03562 |
Title: 对外汉语教学概论(讲义) / |
Author: 吕必松, 1935- |
Call No.: PL 1065 Lu 1996 |
Title: 鋼琴音樂硏究 = Klaviermusik / |
Author: 張大勝. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06165 |
Title: English is our language. |
Author: Westendorf, Esther. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03765 |
Title: Garrisons and government : politics and the military in new states / |
Call No.: RBK1960-03449 |
Title: A theory of minimalism / |
Author: Botha, Marc, author. |
Call No.: NX 456.5 M5 Bot 2017 |
ISBN: 135014164X |
Title: Excursion / |
Author: Pollini, Francis. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03635 |
Title: 紅毛城遺事 / |
Author: 李利國, 1954- |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06413 |
Title: Obras poéticas de Eugénio de Castro. |
Author: Castro, Eugénio de, 1869-1944, autor. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03039 |
Title: South Vietnam : nation under stress / |
Author: Scigliano, Robert. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03483 |
Title: Buddhism : its origin and spread in words, maps, and pictures / |
Author: Zürcher, E. author. (Erik), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03275 |
Title: 民初四大國學家 / |
Author: 文仲. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06247 |
Title: 中國古代山水畫史硏究 / |
Author: 傅抱石, 1904-1965. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06465 |