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Title: 怡安泰陳佐乾居士奉獻家藏清代進士梁于渭杭雪禮部名畫酬贈諸大善長捐助佛教醫院經費特刊 / |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06570 |
Title: Space and place : the perspective of experience / |
Author: Tuan, Yi-fu, 1930- |
Call No.: G 71.5 Tua 2011 |
ISBN: 9780816608089 |
Title: 傅立叶选集 / |
Author: Fourier, Charles, 1772-1837. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06510 |
Title: 荀子學說 / |
Author: 陳大齊, 1886- |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06656 |
Title: Ethics for an industrial age : a Christian inquiry / |
Author: Obenhaus, Victor. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03154 |
Title: International politics since World War II; a short history / |
Author: Robertson, Charles L., 1927- |
Call No.: RBK1960-03803 |
Title: Related studies for craftsmen / |
Author: Wilson, A. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03743 |
Title: 蘇聯政策中的新疆 : 斯大林與東突厥斯坦的穆斯林運動(1931-1949) / |
Author: Hasanli, Jamil, author. |
Call No.: DK 68.7 C5 Has 2021 |
ISBN: 988237204X |
Title: 蒙古史料四種 / |
Author: 王國維, 撰. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06143 |
Title: Subsidios para a história do jornalismo nas provincias ultramarinas portuguezas / |
Author: Aranha, Brito, autor. |
Call No.: Z 6956 P8 Ara 2010 |
ISBN: 9781166683191 |
Title: Agricultural development in China, 1368-1968 / |
Author: Perkins, Dwight H. 1934- (Dwight Heald), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03243 |
Title: 新譯荀子讀本 / |
Author: 王忠林. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06522 |
Title: Protestantism / |
Call No.: RBK1960-03408 |
Title: Advanced concepts in physical chemistry / |
Author: Kaufman, Ernest D. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03706 |
Title: India and the future of Asia / |
Author: Singh, Patwant, 1925-2009. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03290 |
Title: Case studies for teaching social psychology : critical thinking and application / |
Author: Heinzen, Thomas E., author. |
Call No.: HM 1033 Hei 2022 |
ISBN: 1544393520 |
Title: 我們的身體 / |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06436 |
Title: De opkomst van het Nederlandsch Gezag in Oost-Indië / |
Author: Jonge, J. K. J. de 1828-1880, author. (Johan Karel Jakob), |
Call No.: DS 633 Opk 2009 |
ISBN: 9781110221592 |
Title: O banquete / |
Call No.: B 385 P6 M3 Pla 1986 |
Title: 初級英文作文示範 = Model junior English essays / |
Author: 潘正英 |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06316 |
Title: For the liberation of Brazil / |
Author: Marighella, Carlos. |
Call No.: RBK1970-10829 |
ISBN: 0140213414 |
Title: Danny Dunn on the ocean floor / |
Author: Williams, Jay, 1914-1978. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03409 |
Title: Modern institutional advertising; including corporate, corporate image association, service, and all other major forms of non-product advertising / |
Author: Flanagan, George Alexander. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03655 |
Title: Science in action / |
Author: Stone, George K. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03717 |
Title: Deceit, desire, and the novel : self and other in literary structure / |
Author: Girard, René, 1923-2015, author. |
Call No.: PN 3463 Gir 1976 |
ISBN: 9780801802201 |
Title: 世紀之交的前瞻與思考 : 澳港粵現代藝術研討會論文集. |
Call No.: N 7345 Shi 1998 |
Title: Born to win : transactional analysis with gestalt experiments / |
Author: James, Muriel. |
Call No.: RBK1970-10889 |
ISBN: 9780451165213 |
Title: Signs in action / |
Author: Sutton, James, 1929- |
Call No.: RBK1960-03043 |
Title: Modern college algebra / |
Author: Vance, Elbridge Putnam, 1915- |
Call No.: RBK1960-03135 |
Title: At the human edge : the limits of human physiology and performance / |
Author: Ranney, Marcus, author. |
Call No.: QP 82 Ran 2021 |
ISBN: 9811211272 |