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Newly Available Titles ()
Title: Setting the standard for project based learning : a proven approach to rigorous classroom instruction / |
Author: Larmer, John. |
Call No.: LB 1027.43 Lar 2015 |
ISBN: 1416620338 |
Title: 近代中國音樂史話 / |
Author: 許常惠, 1929- |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06385 |
Title: Fundamentals of investing / |
Author: Smart, Scott B. |
Call No.: HG 4521 Sma 2020 |
ISBN: 9781292316970 |
Title: World War 1 : an outline history / |
Author: Baldwin, Hanson Weightman, 1903-1991. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03609 |
Title: The wind at my back : the life and times of Pat O'Brien / |
Author: O'Brien, Pat, 1899-1983. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03645 |
Title: A prophet in politics : a biography of J.S. Woodsworth / |
Author: McNaught, Kenneth William Kirkpatrick, 1918- |
Call No.: RBK1960-03763 |
Title: Modern sculpture : a concise history / |
Author: Read, Herbert 1893-1968. (Herbert Edward), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03425 |
ISBN: 9780500200148 |
Title: 生命情調的抉擇 [中國哲學智慧的現代意義] |
Author: 劉述先, 1934- |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06127 |
Title: 風雷 / |
Author: 陳登科, 1918- |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06379 |
Title: 厚黑學大全 / |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06657 |
Title: Europe / |
Author: Unstead, J. F. 1876-1965. (John Frederick), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03644 |
Title: 彩色攝影与配方常識 / |
Author: 胡致仁. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06678 |
Title: The Chinese civil service : career open to talent? / |
Call No.: RBK1960-03712 |
Title: The Norton anthology of English literature / |
Call No.: PR 1109 Nor 2018 |
ISBN: 0393603121 |
Title: Classroom assessment in multiple languages : a handbook for teachers / |
Author: Gottlieb, Margo, author. |
Call No.: LC 3719 Got 2021 |
ISBN: 1544384602 |
Title: Seuils / |
Author: Genette, Gérard, 1930-2018. |
Call No.: Z 286 L58 Gen 1987 |
ISBN: 9782020526418 |
Title: Abraço : uma escultura para Macau, Jardim Luís de Camões = 擁抱 : 一座獻給澳門, 賈梅士花園的塑像 = Hug : one sculpture to Macau, Luís de Camões Garden / |
Call No.: DS 796 M331 Abr 1997 |
Title: 失去的文明 ; 超級生物真的來訪過地球? / |
Author: 湯瑪斯. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06697 |
Title: Centerburg tales / |
Author: McCloskey, Robert, 1914-2003. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03916 |
Title: Grand Hotel Europa / |
Author: Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard, 1968- |
Call No.: PT 5881.26 F45 Gra 2021 |
ISBN: 9897111301 |
Title: The Atlantic community: progress and prospects / |
Author: Wilcox, Francis O. 1908-1985, editor. (Francis Orlando), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03159 |
Title: 周总理对外国报界人士的谈话 / |
Author: 周恩来, 1898-1976. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06244 |
Title: 英文同義字運用指導 = Guide to usage of synonyms / |
Author: 潘一工 |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06304 |
Title: Family living and sex education : a guide for parents and youth leaders / |
Author: Laycock, Samuel Ralph, 1891- |
Call No.: RBK1960-03305 |
Title: China, Japan, and the powers : a history of the modern Far East / |
Author: Cameron, Meribeth E. 1905-1997. (Meribeth Elliott), |
Call No.: RBK1960-03880 |
Title: A expulsão do outro : sociedade, perceção e comunicação hoje / |
Author: Han, Byung-Chul, autor. |
Call No.: B 3279 H49 Exp 2018 |
ISBN: 9896418438 |
Title: 兩漢縣令制度 / |
Author: 昭旂, 撰. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06168 |
Title: Devil water / |
Author: Seton, Anya. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03147 |
ISBN: 9780854565542 |
Title: 現代生活與健康 / |
Author: 杉靖三郎, 撰. |
Call No.: RBK1970-C05959 |
Title: Introduction à la pensée de Heidegger / |
Author: Wahl, Jean André, 1888-1974, auteur. |
Call No.: B 3279 H49 Wah 1998 |
ISBN: 2253942626 |