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香港漫畫春秋 = A history of Hong Kong comics /
Title:  香港漫畫春秋 = A history of Hong Kong comics /
Author:  鄭家鎮, 1918- author
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  NC 1720 H7 Che 2018
ISBN:  9620441656
古漢語常用辭辭典 /
Title:  古漢語常用辭辭典 /
Publication Year:  1978
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03767
中國通信統計年度報告 /
Title:  中國通信統計年度報告 /
Publication Year:  2003-
Call No.:  HE 8421 Chu
ISBN:  7115150443
旅遊附屬帳 = Conta satelite do turismo = Tourism satellite account /
Title:  旅遊附屬帳 = Conta satelite do turismo = Tourism satellite account /
Author:  澳門. 統計暨普查局
Publication Year:  [2010-]
Call No.:  G 155 M3 Mac
段氏說文解字注 : 新增部首檢字索引 /
Title:  段氏說文解字注 : 新增部首檢字索引 /
Author:  段玉裁, 1735-1815
Publication Year:  民國 59 [1970]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03776
營養保健 /
Title:  營養保健 /
Author:  Davis, Adelle, 1904-1974
Publication Year:  民國 65 [1976]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03774
錦繡神州 = China in splendour /
Title:  錦繡神州 = China in splendour /
Publication Year:  1973
Call No.:  OV 1311
寶島台灣 /
Title:  寶島台灣 /
Publication Year:  [1960]
Call No.:  OV 1283
Eliot's early years /
Title:  Eliot's early years /
Author:  Gordon, Lyndall
Publication Year:  c1977
Call No.:  RBK1970-09692
ISBN:  0195200861
Commercial arbitration between China and the Portuguese-speaking world /
Title:  Commercial arbitration between China and the Portuguese-speaking world /
Author:  Simões, Fernando Dias
Publication Year:  [2014]
Call No.:  KNQ 1829 Sim 2014
ISBN:  9789041154163
中國建築業統計年鑑 = Construction statistical yearbook of China /
Title:  中國建築業統計年鑑 = Construction statistical yearbook of China /
Publication Year:  1997-
Call No.:  HD 9715 C5 Chu
ISBN:  7503728698
中國高技術產業統計年鑒 /
Title:  中國高技術產業統計年鑒 /
Publication Year:  2003-
Call No.:  HC 430 H53 Chu
ISBN:  7503739797
餘菴詞 /
Title:  餘菴詞 /
Author:  潘小磐
Publication Year:  1975]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03980
翻译学导论 : 理论与应用 : 第三版 /
Title:  翻译学导论 : 理论与应用 : 第三版 /
Author:  Munday, Jeremy.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  P 306 Mun 2014
ISBN:  7513548471
小學生心理 /
Title:  小學生心理 /
Publication Year:  1985
Call No.:  LB 1115 Hsi 1985
O direito à imortalidade : o exercício de direitos reprodutivos mediante técnicas de reprodução assistida e o estatuto jurídico do embrião in vitro /
Title:  O direito à imortalidade : o exercício de direitos reprodutivos mediante técnicas de reprodução assistida e o estatuto jurídico do embrião in vitro /
Author:  Raposo, Vera Lúcia, autor.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  K 3611 Rap 2010
ISBN:  9789724051949
日本帝國主義對外侵略史料選編, 1931-1945 /
Title:  日本帝國主義對外侵略史料選編, 1931-1945 /
Publication Year:  1975
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03606
Title:  法律史译评.
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  KNN 124 Fa 2018
ISBN:  7547515134
A maçã no escuro /
Title:  A maçã no escuro /
Author:  Lispector, Clarice, 1920-1977 author.
Publication Year:  [1999?]
Call No.:  PQ 9697 L573 Mac 1999
ISBN:  853250874X
Correspondências /
Title:  Correspondências /
Author:  Lispector, Clarice, 1920-1977
Publication Year:  2002
Call No.:  PQ 9697 L573 Cor 2002
ISBN:  9788532514868
Quase de verdade /
Title:  Quase de verdade /
Author:  Lispector, Clarice, 1920-1977
Publication Year:  [2019].
Call No.:  PQ 9697 L573 Qua 2019
ISBN:  8562500615
Romans: everyman's gospel /
Title:  Romans: everyman's gospel /
Author:  MacGorman, J. W. (Jack W.)
Publication Year:  1976
Call No.:  RBK1970-09696
Escola de astronautas /
Title:  Escola de astronautas /
Author:  Martin, Steve, 1962 October 18- autor.
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  TL 790 Mar 2017
ISBN:  9898866020
世界历史长卷 : 手绘年表 = Synchronological chart of history /
Title:  世界历史长卷 : 手绘年表 = Synchronological chart of history /
Author:  Adams, Sebastian C., author
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  OV 1315
ISBN:  9787510463327
教室裡的心靈雞湯 : 四十個心靈與關懷的真實故事 /
Title:  教室裡的心靈雞湯 : 四十個心靈與關懷的真實故事 /
Author:  Wright, Esther
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  LB 1775.2 Wri 2005
ISBN:  9789867264114
数学教育初论 : 比较研究和数学教学 /
Title:  数学教育初论 : 比较研究和数学教学 /
Author:  江春莲, author.
Publication Year:  2015
Call No.:  QA 11.2 Chi 2015
ISBN:  7030417909
尉繚子注釋 /
Title:  尉繚子注釋 /
Publication Year:  1978
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03714
New narratives of urban space in Republican Chinese cities : emerging social, legal and governance orders /
Title:  New narratives of urban space in Republican Chinese cities : emerging social, legal and governance orders /
Publication Year:  2013
Call No.:  HT 169 C5 New 2013
ISBN:  9004249907
二十四節氣 : 曹曉陽繪畫 = The twenty-four solar terms : paintings by Cao Xiaoyang.
Title:  二十四節氣 : 曹曉陽繪畫 = The twenty-four solar terms : paintings by Cao Xiaoyang.
Author:  曹曉陽, 1968-
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  OV 1366
ISBN:  9881620503
仗氣為圖 : 沈愛其書畫 = Painting with qi : Shen Aiqi.
Title:  仗氣為圖 : 沈愛其書畫 = Painting with qi : Shen Aiqi.
Author:  沈愛其, 1941- artist.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  OV 1365
ISBN:  988162052X