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劇場管理 /
Title:  劇場管理 /
Author:  尹世英.
Publication Year:  1992
Call No.:  PN 2053 Yin 1992
ISBN:  9789575860370
談判策略快易通 /
Title:  談判策略快易通 /
Author:  Lewicki, Roy J.
Publication Year:  2000
Call No.:  HD 58.6 Lew 2000
ISBN:  9789576675676
圆顶的故事 : 文艺复兴建筑史上的惊天泣地的一页传奇 /
Title:  圆顶的故事 : 文艺复兴建筑史上的惊天泣地的一页传奇 /
Author:  King, Ross, 1962-
Publication Year:  2003
Call No.:  NA 5621 F7 Kin 2003
ISBN:  9787806812501
楊寶玲扮靚貼士 /
Title:  楊寶玲扮靚貼士 /
Author:  楊寶玲, author.
Publication Year:  1996
Call No.:  TT 957 Yan 1996
ISBN:  9789621715432
西方现代艺术批判 = Critique of Western modern art /
Title:  西方现代艺术批判 = Critique of Western modern art /
Author:  王天兵.
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  N 6490 Wan 1998
ISBN:  9787102019475
The Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific region (CSCAP).
Title:  The Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific region (CSCAP).
Author:  Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific.
Publication Year:  [1993]
Call No.:  UA 830 Cou 1993
男女男 /
Title:  男女男 /
Author:  望風, author
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  PL 2965 F46 Nan 2020
ISBN:  9998146097
果蠅俠 /
Title:  果蠅俠 /
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  QL 537 M6 Kuo 2020
ISBN:  9789993769187
黃公望富春山居圖 /
Title:  黃公望富春山居圖 /
Author:  黃公望, 1269-1354, author.
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  ND 1049 H815 Hua 2011
ISBN:  9628975056
首屆廣州當代藝術三年展 : 重新解讀 : 中國實驗藝術十年 (1990-2000) = The first Guangzhou triennial : reinterpretation : a decade of experimental Chinese art (1990-2000) /
Title:  首屆廣州當代藝術三年展 : 重新解讀 : 中國實驗藝術十年 (1990-2000) = The first Guangzhou triennial : reinterpretation : a decade of experimental Chinese art (1990-2000) /
Author:  廣州當代藝術三年展 廣東美術館) (2002 :
Publication Year:  2002
Call No.:  N 4395 Kua 2002
ISBN:  9789993747154
Cavalos de papel e encantos de pessegueiro : xilogravura popular Chinesa da coleccão A. E. Maia Do Amaral = Paper horses and peach wood charms : Chinese woodblock prints in the Maia Do Amaral's collection /
98/99 澳門設計雙年獎作品集 /
Title:  98/99 澳門設計雙年獎作品集 /
Author:  98/99 澳門設計雙年獎獲獎及入選作品展 澳門). (1999 :
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  NC 998.6 M3 98 1999
ISBN:  9729745838
O culto do chá /
Title:  O culto do chá /
Author:  Moraes, Wenceslau de, 1854-1929, autor.
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  GT 2910 Mor 2008
ISBN:  9896410070
O livro de petiscos da Isabel /
Title:  O livro de petiscos da Isabel /
Author:  Rafael, Isabel Zibaia, autor.
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  TX 723.5 P7 Raf 2016
ISBN:  9897542841
傲立潮頭 : 中山市西區名人錄 /
Title:  傲立潮頭 : 中山市西區名人錄 /
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  DS 797.32 C4 Ao 2011
Title:  海闊天空開放敎育.
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  LC 225.33 T3 Hai 1999
ISBN:  9789577545664
首屆华人平面设计大赛获奖作品选 = The prize selections of the first international Chinese graphic design competition /
2003 首届中国北京国际美术双年展学术研讨会文献集 = Symposium papers for the First Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2003 /
Title:  2003 首届中国北京国际美术双年展学术研讨会文献集 = Symposium papers for the First Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2003 /
Author:  中国北京国际美术双年展 Peking, China) 2003 : (1st :
Publication Year:  2004
Call No.:  ND 1045 Chu 2003
ISBN:  9787102031323
全國大學生平面設計競賽 : 第二屆靳埭強設計基金獎獲獎作品集 /
Title:  全國大學生平面設計競賽 : 第二屆靳埭強設計基金獎獲獎作品集 /
Author:  林家阳, 1955-
Publication Year:  2001
Call No.:  NK 1483 Lin 2001
ISBN:  9787539411088
余秋雨的历史散文 /
Title:  余秋雨的历史散文 /
Author:  余秋雨, 1946-
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  PL 2928 C6 Yu 2008
ISBN:  7806238654
中華人民共和國郵資票品目錄 : 1999-2000 /
Title:  中華人民共和國郵資票品目錄 : 1999-2000 /
Publication Year:  2001
Call No.:  HE 6185 C52 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9787200042481
澳門設計師協會三十周年海報展 = Macau Designers Association 30th anniversary poster exhibition = Exposição de cartazes no 30o aniversário da Associação dos Designers of Macau /
中国鹭类 /
Title:  中国鹭类 /
Author:  朱曦, 1944-
Publication Year:  2001
Call No.:  QL 696 C52 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9787503829147
中国湿地保护行动计划 /
Title:  中国湿地保护行动计划 /
Publication Year:  2000
Call No.:  QH 77 C5 Chu 2000
ISBN:  9787503826474
科技與人力敎育的追越 /
Title:  科技與人力敎育的追越 /
Author:  李隆盛.
Publication Year:  2002
Call No.:  Q 183.4 T3 Li 2002
ISBN:  9789574963027
中國畫 : 鷹 /
Title:  中國畫 : 鷹 /
Author:  甘雨辰, 1941-2015
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  ND 1049 K369 Kan 1999
ISBN:  9787538608700
华人平面设计百杰作品集 /
Title:  华人平面设计百杰作品集 /
Author:  何跃华.
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  NC 998.6 C5 He 1998
ISBN:  9787538834109
海上瓷路 : 粵港澳文物大展 = Exhibition, maritime procelain road : relics from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao museums /
平面設計在中國 96 = Graphic design in China 96 /
Title:  平面設計在中國 96 = Graphic design in China 96 /
Author:  平面設計在中國96展 [深圳]) (1996 :
Publication Year:  1996
Call No.:  NC 998.6 C5 Pin 1996
ISBN:  9787536215283
陳柏堅水彩寫生集 = Aguarelas vivas de Chan Pak Kin /
Title:  陳柏堅水彩寫生集 = Aguarelas vivas de Chan Pak Kin /
Author:  陳柏堅, 1925-
Publication Year:  2001
Call No.:  ND 2070 C44 Che 2001
ISBN:  9789993764205