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風水原理十日通 /
Title:  風水原理十日通 /
Author:  謝天詮.
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  BF 1779 F4 Hsi 1999
ISBN:  9789629800161
传统中国的内发性发展 /
Title:  传统中国的内发性发展 /
Author:  三石善吉, 1937-
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  DS 757.5 Mit 1999
ISBN:  9787801092205
歷史學與社會理論 = History and social theory /
Title:  歷史學與社會理論 = History and social theory /
Author:  Burke, Peter.
Publication Year:  2001
Call No.:  HM 551 Bur 2001
ISBN:  9787208035713
保守资本主义 /
Title:  保守资本主义 /
Author:  Reisman, David A.
Publication Year:  2003
Call No.:  HB 501 Rei 2003
ISBN:  9787801497956
万年历 /
Title:  万年历 /
Publication Year:  2008
Call No.:  CE 61 C5 Wan 2008
ISBN:  7506447207
聚落地理专题 /
Title:  聚落地理专题 /
Publication Year:  2001
Call No.:  GF 101 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9787303058556
地理教学论与地理教学改革 /
Title:  地理教学论与地理教学改革 /
Author:  郑耀星.
Publication Year:  2000
Call No.:  G 73 Che 2000
ISBN:  9787560225791
破譯邊疆, 破解帝國 : 印度問題與清代中國地緣政治的轉型 /
Title:  破譯邊疆, 破解帝國 : 印度問題與清代中國地緣政治的轉型 /
Author:  Mosca, Matthew W., author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  DS 754.18 Mos 2019
ISBN:  957053186X
锡克警察 /
Title:  锡克警察 /
Author:  曹寅, author.
Publication Year:  2023
Call No.:  DS 796 S29 Tsa 2023
ISBN:  7301341555
郭店楚簡校讀記 /
Title:  郭店楚簡校讀記 /
Author:  李零, 1948-
Publication Year:  2002
Call No.:  B 126 Li 2002
ISBN:  9787301054628
吴敬梓研究 /
Title:  吴敬梓研究 /
Author:  陈美林.
Publication Year:  2006
Call No.:  PL 2732 U22 Z5 Che 2006
ISBN:  9787811013443
李平书七十自叙 /
Title:  李平书七十自叙 /
Author:  李平书, 1854-1927.
Publication Year:  1989
Call No.:  DS 796 S253 Li 1989
ISBN:  9787532506767
無師自通算命術 /
Title:  無師自通算命術 /
Author:  洪丕謨, author
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  BF 1868 C5 Hun 1998
ISBN:  9789621706669
武则天传 /
Title:  武则天传 /
Author:  雷家骥.
Publication Year:  2001
Call No.:  DS 749.42 T33 Lei 2001
ISBN:  9787010034546
西方文学巨子的审美观照 /
Title:  西方文学巨子的审美观照 /
Author:  张唯嘉, 1955-
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  PN 81 Cha 2012
ISBN:  7510041317
墨子箴言录 /
Title:  墨子箴言录 /
Author:  墨翟, active 400 B. C.
Publication Year:  1992
Call No.:  B 128 M78 Mo 1992
ISBN:  9787810043069
RapidMiner : data mining use cases and business analytics applications /
Title:  RapidMiner : data mining use cases and business analytics applications /
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  QA 76.9 D343 Rap 2014
ISBN:  1482205491
统计学习理论的本质 /
Title:  统计学习理论的本质 /
Author:  Vapnik, Vladimir Naumovich.
Publication Year:  2000
Call No.:  Q 325.7 Vap 2000
ISBN:  9787302039648
统计学习基础 : 数据挖掘, 推理与预测 = The elements of statistical learning : data mining, inference, and prediction /
Title:  统计学习基础 : 数据挖掘, 推理与预测 = The elements of statistical learning : data mining, inference, and prediction /
Author:  Hastie, Trevor.
Publication Year:  [2004].
Call No.:  Q 325.75 Has 2004
ISBN:  9787505393318
The quest for value : the EVA management guide /
Title:  The quest for value : the EVA management guide /
Author:  Stewart, G. Bennett.
Publication Year:  ©1991.
Call No.:  HG 4028 V3 Ste 1991
ISBN:  9780887304187
贝叶斯网络学习, 推理与应用 /
Title:  贝叶斯网络学习, 推理与应用 /
Author:  王双成.
Publication Year:  2010
Call No.:  QA 279.5 Wan 2010
ISBN:  7542924702
统计学习理论 /
Title:  统计学习理论 /
Author:  Vapnik, Vladimir Naumovich.
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  Q 325.7 Vap 2009
ISBN:  7121083728
本体论工程及其应用 /
Title:  本体论工程及其应用 /
Author:  冯志勇.
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  Q 387.2 Fen 2007
ISBN:  7302146276
North Korea, South Korea : U.S. policy at a time of crisis /
Title:  North Korea, South Korea : U.S. policy at a time of crisis /
Author:  Feffer, John.
Publication Year:  ©2003.
Call No.:  E 183.8 K6 Fef 2003
ISBN:  9781583226032
最新国际英语口语词典 = Spoken English for international communication /
Title:  最新国际英语口语词典 = Spoken English for international communication /
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  PE 1131 Tsu 2005
ISBN:  9787504343222
在文本与历史之间 : 中国古代诗学意义生成模式探微 /
Title:  在文本与历史之间 : 中国古代诗学意义生成模式探微 /
Author:  李春青, 1955-
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  PL 2307 Li 2005
ISBN:  9787301094068
從美元榮光到人民幣崛起 : 現代金融秩序的變遷與移轉 /
Title:  從美元榮光到人民幣崛起 : 現代金融秩序的變遷與移轉 /
Author:  吉承勳, author.
Publication Year:  2014年10月.
Call No.:  HG 3881 Chi 2014
ISBN:  9789863750710
全球化博弈 /
Title:  全球化博弈 /
Author:  Dehesa, Guillermo de la.
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  HF 1359 Deh 2009
ISBN:  7301156243
新课程优秀教学设计与案例. Youxiu jiaoxue sheji yu anli /
Title:  新课程优秀教学设计与案例. Youxiu jiaoxue sheji yu anli /
Publication Year:  2003
Call No.:  D 16.4 C5 Hsi 2003
ISBN:  9787544311311
弟子规图典 /
Title:  弟子规图典 /
Publication Year:  2004
Call No.:  BJ 1638 C5 Ti 2004
ISBN:  9787540216146