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Main > All > MATERIAL TYPE : Book
Title: 中國建築藝術全集 / |
Publication Year: <1999-2003> |
Call No.: NA 1543 Chu 1999 |
ISBN: 9787112047871 |
Title: 莫華基隸書部首一百法 / |
Author: 莫華基, 1950- |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: NK 3634 A4 L5 Mo 2019 |
ISBN: 9789998195905 |
Title: 当代隐喻学理论流派新发展研究 / |
Author: 孙毅, author |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: PN 228 M4 Sun 2023 |
ISBN: 7030746163 |
Title: Histórias / |
Author: Sontag, Susan, 1933-2004, autor. |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: PS 3569 O6547 Sto 2019 |
ISBN: 9897225439 |
Title: Vai tudo abaixo / |
Author: Kinney, Jeff, autor, ilustrador. |
Publication Year: outubro 2018. |
Call No.: PZ 7 K56 Dia 2018 |
ISBN: 9897077537 |
Title: Maré de azar/ |
Author: Kinney, Jeff, autor, ilustrador. |
Publication Year: 2014 |
Call No.: PZ 7 K56 Dia 2014 |
ISBN: 8576836904 |
Title: Applications of neuromarketing in the metaverse / |
Publication Year: [2023] |
Call No.: HF 5415.12615 App 2023 |
ISBN: 1668481502 |
Title: 澳門中央圖書館館藏文德泉神父著作目錄 = Catálogo da bibliografia do Monsenhor Manuel Teixeira Coleccionada pela Biblioteca Central de Macau / |
Author: 澳門中央圖書館. |
Publication Year: ©2004. |
Call No.: Z 955 M3 Ao 2004 |
ISBN: 9789993700494 |
Title: 华南抗战时期史料汇编. |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: BKS0213 |
ISBN: 7554851357 |
Title: 梁良影評50年精選集 / |
Author: 梁良, author. |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: PN 1995 Lia 2022 |
ISBN: 6267128296 |
Title: 粤东春灯 : 第三届大潮汕(濠江)迎春谜会专辑 / |
Publication Year: 2008 |
Call No.: PN 6377 C5 Yue 2008 |
ISBN: 7536239289 |
Title: 駝峰生命線 : 抗戰時期印緬物資內運紀錄 (1942-1945) = The Hump : historical documents of inward transport from India and Burma, 1942-1945 / |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: DS 777.533 T73 To 2022 |
ISBN: 6267157717 |
Title: 諜報戰 : 軍統局特務工作總報告 = General report of special intelligence of the bureau of investigation and statistics / |
Publication Year: 2021 |
Call No.: UB 251 C5 Tie 2021 |
ISBN: 9865578220 |
Title: 民國時期南海主權爭議 : 海事建設 = South China sea territorial disputes in Republican China : marine construction / |
Publication Year: 2021 |
Call No.: KZA 1692 Min 2021 |
ISBN: 9865578174 |
Title: 民國時期報業史料. Historical materials of the Shanghai newspapers 1912-1949 / |
Publication Year: 2021 |
Call No.: PN 5369 S52 Min 2021 |
ISBN: 9865578093 |
Title: 印度獨立與中印關係史料(1946-1950) = Historical documents on the independence of India and Sino-Indian Relations,1946-1950 / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 I5 Yin 2020 |
ISBN: 986557800X |
Title: 關鍵年代 : 空軍一九四九年鑑 = The critical era : annual of R.O.C. Air Force in 1949 / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: UG 635 C5 Kua 2020 |
ISBN: 9869928870 |
Title: 國民政府抗日戰場中的反細菌戰 = Anti-germ warfare during the second Sino-Japanese War / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 777.52 Kuo 2020 |
ISBN: 988863772X |
Title: 中華民國對日和約 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : the Sino-Japanese peace treaty / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 9869928854 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 金山和約與中日和約的關係 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : the treaty of San Francisco and the Sino-Japanese peace treaty / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 986992882X |
Title: 戰爭賠償與戰犯處理 = War reparations and war criminals / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 9869928811 |
Title: 日本投降與中蘇交涉 = The surrender of imperial Japan and Sino-Soviet negotiations / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Jih 2020 |
ISBN: 9869928803 |
Title: 抗戰時期封鎖與禁運事件 = The blockade of the Second Sino-Japanese War / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 777.52 Kan 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637622 |
Title: 僞組織的建立與各國態度 = The creation of the puppet Chinese governments and the international response / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 777.52 Wei 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637584 |
Title: 滿洲國的成立與國聯對日本侵華的處理 = The creation of Manchukuo and the League of Nations reaction to the Japanese invasion of China / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 784 Man 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637576 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 蘆溝橋事變發生後中國向國際的申訴 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : China appeal to the international community after the Marco Polo bridge incident / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637541 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 蘆溝橋事變前後的中日外交關係 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : Sino-Japanese relations before and after the Marco Polo bridge incident / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637517 |
Title: 日軍侵犯上海與進攻華北 = The Japanese invasion of Shanghai and northern China / |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: DS 777.5316 S53 Jih 2019 |
ISBN: 9888637436 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 九一八事變後日本對華的破壞與侵逼 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : Japan's invasion and destruction of China after the Mukden incident / |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: DS 777.52 Chi 2019 |
ISBN: 9888637363 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 九一八事變的發生與中國的反應 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : the Mukden Incident and China's response / |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: DS 783.8 Chi 2019 |
ISBN: 9888637355 |