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商法教程 /
Title:  商法教程 /
Author:  Abreu, Jorge Manuel Coutinho de
Publication Year:  2017-
Call No.:  KKQ 920 Abr 2017
ISBN:  7519705390
Title:  澳門競新書畫學會會員作品集.
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  ND 1046 M32 Ao 2018
ISBN:  9789996566165
New frontiers of comparative law /
Title:  New frontiers of comparative law /
Publication Year:  c2013.
Call No.:  K 559 New 2013
ISBN:  9789888231713
Sentido e limites da jurisdição cautelar civil /
Title:  Sentido e limites da jurisdição cautelar civil /
Author:  Robalo, Teresa Lancry A. S., autor.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  K M3 2201 Rob 2014
ISBN:  9789724054940
中國高技術產業統計年鑒 /
Title:  中國高技術產業統計年鑒 /
Publication Year:  2003-
Call No.:  HC 430 H53 Chu
ISBN:  7503739797
Doing public administration : exercises, essays, and cases /
Title:  Doing public administration : exercises, essays, and cases /
Publication Year:  c1978.
Call No.:  RBK1970-14161
ISBN:  0205059678
日本切手カタログ /
Title:  日本切手カタログ /
Publication Year:  19uu
Call No.:  RBK1970-C08955
澳門博彩法研究叢書 /
Title:  澳門博彩法研究叢書 /
Publication Year:  2018-
Call No.:  K M3 3704 Ao
ISBN:  9789996511066
近現當代傳媒與澳港台文學經驗 = Modern media and the experience of literature in Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan /
Title:  近現當代傳媒與澳港台文學經驗 = Modern media and the experience of literature in Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan /
Author:  近代公共媒體與澳港台文學經驗研討會 澳門大學, 澳門) (2010 :
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  PL 3031 M3 Chi 2010
ISBN:  9993710733
重回鲁迅 /
Title:  重回鲁迅 /
Author:  杨义, 1946- author.
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  PL 2754 S5 Yan 2017
ISBN:  7542657445
行政法 /
Title:  行政法 /
Author:  Soares, Rogerio Guilherme Ehrhardt, 1925-
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  K 3400 Soa 2014
ISBN:  9787511864949
葡萄牙法律史 /
Title:  葡萄牙法律史 /
Author:  Costa, Mario Julio Brito de Almeida.
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  KKQ 120 Cos 2014
ISBN:  7511860362
國際貿易法論叢 = Journal of international trade law /
Title:  國際貿易法論叢 = Journal of international trade law /
Publication Year:  2006-
Call No.:  K 3943 Kuo
ISBN:  9787562056775
語言教育政策 : 關鍵問題 /
Title:  語言教育政策 : 關鍵問題 /
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  P 40.8 Lan 2014
ISBN:  7513550468
Microbiology : principles and explorations /
Title:  Microbiology : principles and explorations /
Author:  Black, Jacquelyn G.
Publication Year:  [2019]
Call No.:  QR 41.2 Bla 2019
ISBN:  9781119598855
中國古典小說論集 /
Title:  中國古典小說論集 /
Publication Year:  1977
Call No.:  RBK1970-C07766
中国互联网产业发展蓝皮书 /
Title:  中国互联网产业发展蓝皮书 /
Publication Year:  2017-
Call No.:  HD 9696.8 C5 Chu
ISBN:  9787010180397
中国海洋法年刊 /
Title:  中国海洋法年刊 /
Publication Year:  2018-
Call No.:  KZA 1021 Chu
ISBN:  9787516216590
澳門特別刑法概論 = Introducao ao direito penal especial de Macau /
Title:  澳門特別刑法概論 = Introducao ao direito penal especial de Macau /
Publication Year:  2004
Call No.:  K M3 5015.4 Ao 2004
ISBN:  9993726494
美國科技與中文教學. Technology and Chinese language teaching in the U.S. TCLT. 2016 /
Title:  美國科技與中文教學. Technology and Chinese language teaching in the U.S. TCLT. 2016 /
Publication Year:  2016
Call No.:  PL 1068 U5 Mei 2016
ISBN:  751618585X
Lições de processo civil I /
Title:  Lições de processo civil I /
Author:  Pires, Cândida da Silva Antunes.
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  K 2205 Pir 2005
ISBN:  9789993726630
積微居叢書 /
Title:  積微居叢書 /
Author:  楊樹達.
Publication Year:  民60[1971]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C08857
澳門業餘藝苑會員作品展 2018 年 /
Title:  澳門業餘藝苑會員作品展 2018 年 /
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  ND 1046 M32 Ao 2018
ISBN:  9993790095
刑事訴訟法 /
Title:  刑事訴訟法 /
Author:  Dias, Jorge de Figueiredo, 1937-
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  K 5401 Dia 2019
ISBN:  9787520142007
本地生產總值 = Produto interno bruto = Gross domestic product /
Title:  本地生產總值 = Produto interno bruto = Gross domestic product /
Author:  澳門. 統計暨普查局
Publication Year:  1989-
Call No.:  HC 79 I5 Mac
刑法 : 中文版 = Textos de direito penal : Versão em língua Chinesa /
Title:  刑法 : 中文版 = Textos de direito penal : Versão em língua Chinesa /
Author:  Dias, Jorge de Figueiredo, 1937-
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  K 5015.4 Dia 2014
ISBN:  9789996510601
種族歧視 /
Title:  種族歧視 /
Author:  Fontette, François de.
Publication Year:  1990
Call No.:  HT 1521 Fon 1990
ISBN:  9789573210016
Report on Macau law /
Title:  Report on Macau law /
Publication Year:  [2014]
Call No.:  K M3 524 Rep 2014
ISBN:  9789888232994
姚從吾先生全集 /
Title:  姚從吾先生全集 /
Author:  姚從吾
Publication Year:  1971-
Call No.:  RBK1970-C03556
Introduction to neural and cognitive modeling /
Title:  Introduction to neural and cognitive modeling /
Author:  Levine, Daniel S., author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  QP 363.3 Lev 2019
ISBN:  1848726473