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盼耕世紀詩選 /
Title:  盼耕世紀詩選 /
Author:  盼耕
Publication Year:  2006
Call No.:  PL 2543 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9624756279
周恩来傳 /
Title:  周恩来傳 /
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  DS 778 C593 Cho 1998
ISBN:  9787507304039
Title:  張志公文集.
Author:  張志公, 1918-1997
Publication Year:  1991
Call No.:  PL 1071 Cha 1991
ISBN:  7540607475
李叢中自選集 : 圭山的火把 /
Title:  李叢中自選集 : 圭山的火把 /
Author:  李叢中
Publication Year:  2010
Call No.:  PL 2543 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9996580857
国际贸易法论丛 = Journal of international trade law.
Title:  国际贸易法论丛 = Journal of international trade law.
Publication Year:  2006-
Call No.:  K 3943 Kuo
ISBN:  9787301126776
孫友田自選集 : 大山歡笑 /
Title:  孫友田自選集 : 大山歡笑 /
Author:  孫友田, 1936- author
Publication Year:  2013
Call No.:  PL 2543 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9996549127
极端的年代, 1914-1991 = Age of extremes /
Title:  极端的年代, 1914-1991 = Age of extremes /
Author:  Hobsbawm, E. J. 1917-2012. (Eric J.),
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  D 421 Hob 1998
ISBN:  9787214018526
香港指南 /
Title:  香港指南 /
Author:  陳公哲, 1890-1961, author.
Publication Year:  2014年8月.
Call No.:  DS 796 H73 Che 2014
ISBN:  9789620756375
海底兩萬里 /
Title:  海底兩萬里 /
Author:  Verne, Jules, 1828-1905
Publication Year:  1961
Call No.:  RBK1960-C02222
唐宋詞研究論文集 /
Title:  唐宋詞研究論文集 /
Publication Year:  1969
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04098
小學考 /
Title:  小學考 /
Author:  謝啓昆, 1737-1802
Publication Year:  1969
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04239
香港大學五十週年紀念論文集 /
Title:  香港大學五十週年紀念論文集 /
Publication Year:  1964-1968.
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04327
東蒙古遼代舊城探考記 /
Title:  東蒙古遼代舊城探考記 /
Author:  Mullie, Jos
Publication Year:  1965
Call No.:  RBK1960-C01009
經訓 : 中國倫理概要 /
Title:  經訓 : 中國倫理概要 /
Publication Year:  1963
Call No.:  RBK1960-C00609
名利場 /
Title:  名利場 /
Author:  Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863
Publication Year:  1957
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09482
Poetics and ethics of anthropomorphism : children, animals and poetry /
Title:  Poetics and ethics of anthropomorphism : children, animals and poetry /
Author:  Kelen, Christopher, 1958- author.
Publication Year:  2022
Call No.:  PN 1009.5 A55 Kel 2022
ISBN:  1032113111
本草品彙精要 /
Title:  本草品彙精要 /
Publication Year:  1964
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04194
Advanced macroeconomics : an introduction for undergraduates /
Title:  Advanced macroeconomics : an introduction for undergraduates /
Author:  Chu, Angus C., 1978- author.
Publication Year:  [2021].
Call No.:  HB 172.5 Chu 2021
ISBN:  1786349124
汉語方言詞汇 = Hanyu fangyan cihui /
Title:  汉語方言詞汇 = Hanyu fangyan cihui /
Publication Year:  1964
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04348
龍榆生先生遺稿 /
Title:  龍榆生先生遺稿 /
Author:  龍榆生, 1902-1966.
Publication Year:  [1968?]
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04385
辭海 /
Title:  辭海 /
Publication Year:  1969
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04448
杜工部集 /
Title:  杜工部集 /
Author:  杜甫, 712-770.
Publication Year:  民國56 [1967]
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04482
胖子 /
Title:  胖子 /
Author:  魯彥, 1901-1944.
Publication Year:  1961
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04680
某夫婦 /
Title:  某夫婦 /
Author:  巴金, 1905-
Publication Year:  1960
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04684
伊利沙白 /
Title:  伊利沙白 /
Author:  石濤
Publication Year:  1961
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04665
Title:  中國哲學史資料選輯.
Publication Year:  1962
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04200
基礎和聲學 /
Title:  基礎和聲學 /
Author:  康謳.
Publication Year:  民49[1960]
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04383
史記精華 /
Title:  史記精華 /
Publication Year:  民56[1967]
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04121
國學硏究 /
Title:  國學硏究 /
Author:  顧丞.
Publication Year:  1961
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04241
杜威哲學 /
Title:  杜威哲學 /
Author:  Dewey, John, 1859-1952.
Publication Year:  1966
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04147