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陳運和短詩選 = Selected poems of Chen Yunhe /
Title:  陳運和短詩選 = Selected poems of Chen Yunhe /
Author:  陳運和, 1941-
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  PL 2543 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9789624759099
陳美短詩選 = Selected poems of Chen Mei /
Title:  陳美短詩選 = Selected poems of Chen Mei /
Author:  陳美
Publication Year:  2015
Call No.:  PL 2543 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9789624759103
蘇歐短詩選 = Selected poems of Su Ou /
Title:  蘇歐短詩選 = Selected poems of Su Ou /
Author:  蘇歐
Publication Year:  2015
Call No.:  PL 2543 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9789624759111
客人短詩選 = Selected poems of Ke Ren /
Title:  客人短詩選 = Selected poems of Ke Ren /
Author:  客人, 1967-
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  PL 2543 Chu 2001
ISBN:  978962475909X
水湄短詩選 = Selected poems of Shui Mei /
Title:  水湄短詩選 = Selected poems of Shui Mei /
Author:  水湄, 1968-
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  PL 2543 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9789624759111
安子短詩選 = Selected poems of An Zi /
Title:  安子短詩選 = Selected poems of An Zi /
Author:  安子, 1967-
Publication Year:  2014
Call No.:  PL 2543 Chu 2001
ISBN:  9789624759103
中國哲學史論文集 : 2集 /
Title:  中國哲學史論文集 : 2集 /
Publication Year:  1965
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04155
說岳全傳 /
Title:  說岳全傳 /
Author:  錢彩, active 1729
Publication Year:  [1965?].
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04568
绘画本中国通史 /
Title:  绘画本中国通史 /
Publication Year:  1991
Call No.:  DS 735 Hui 1991
ISBN:  9787534207693
Ensino de gramática : descrição e uso /
Title:  Ensino de gramática : descrição e uso /
Author:  Barbosa, Afranio Gonçalves, autor
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  PC 5035 Bar 2007
ISBN:  9788572443470
鲁迅回忆录 /
Title:  鲁迅回忆录 /
Author:  许广平.
Publication Year:  1961
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04609
Title:  杜甫卷.
Publication Year:  [1964
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04183
甲骨文字集釋 /
Title:  甲骨文字集釋 /
Author:  李孝定
Publication Year:  1965
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04467
唐史 /
Title:  唐史 /
Author:  章羣, 1925-2000
Publication Year:  1979
Call No.:  RBK1970-C06480
明季流寇始末 /
Title:  明季流寇始末 /
Author:  李光濤.
Publication Year:  民國54 [1965]
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04465
南漢書 /
Title:  南漢書 /
Author:  粱廷枏, 1796-1861.
Publication Year:  1967
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04394
中央人民政府法令彙編 /
Title:  中央人民政府法令彙編 /
Publication Year:  1982
Call No.:  KNQ 13 Chu 1982
國史提綱 /
Title:  國史提綱 /
Author:  梁沛錦.
Publication Year:  1966]
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04490
中國文學發展史  /
Title:  中國文學發展史 /
Author:  劉大杰, 1904-1977
Publication Year:  1962-1963.
Call No.:  RBK1960-C01692
陳子昂集 /
Title:  陳子昂集 /
Author:  陳子昂, 661-702.
Publication Year:  1960
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04236
現代世界短篇小說選 /
Title:  現代世界短篇小說選 /
Publication Year:  1983
Call No.:  PN 6065 C4 Hsi 1983
黄土與中國農業的起源 /
Title:  黄土與中國農業的起源 /
Author:  何炳棣.
Publication Year:  1969
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04412
海外風景名勝 /
Title:  海外風景名勝 /
Publication Year:  1984
Call No.:  G 465 Hai 1984
孔尚任詩文集 /
Title:  孔尚任詩文集 /
Author:  孔尚任, 1648-1718
Publication Year:  1962
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04533
中國現代史叢刊 /
Title:  中國現代史叢刊 /
Publication Year:  [1960].
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04458
中國經濟思想史 /
Title:  中國經濟思想史 /
Author:  胡寄窗
Publication Year:  1962-1981
Call No.:  RBK1960-C04531
基於本體特色的漢語研究 : 慶祝薛鳳生教授八十華誕文集 = Ontological studies of the Chinese language /
理性化與官僚化 : 對韋伯之研究與詮釋 /
Title:  理性化與官僚化 : 對韋伯之研究與詮釋 /
Author:  Schluchter, Wolfgang, 1938-
Publication Year:  1986
Call No.:  B 3361 Z7 Sch 1986
Moderna gramática portuguesa /
Title:  Moderna gramática portuguesa /
Author:  Bechara, Evanildo, 1928-
Publication Year:  2009
Call No.:  PC 5064 Bec 2009
ISBN:  8520923186
Sintaxe do português /
Title:  Sintaxe do português /
Author:  Eliseu, André, autor
Publication Year:  [2008]
Call No.:  PC 5201 Eli 2008
ISBN:  9789722119993