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Main > All > MATERIAL TYPE : Book
Title: The sociology of economic life / |
Author: Smelser, Neil J. |
Publication Year: 1965 |
Call No.: RBK1960-03780 |
Title: Na onda do portugues 3 : [livro do aluno] / |
Author: Ferreira, Ana Maria Bayan, autora |
Call No.: PC 5035 Fer 2012 |
ISBN: 9789727578450 |
Title: Na onda do portugues 3 : [livro do aluno] / |
Author: Ferreira, Ana Maria Bayan, autora |
Call No.: PC 5035 Fer 2012 |
ISBN: 9789727578450 |
Title: 翻譯研究 / |
Author: 蔡思果 |
Publication Year: 1973 |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06756 |
Title: 涕涙交零的现代中国文學 / |
Author: Lau, Joseph S. M., 1934-, author |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06128 |
Title: 說戲曲 / |
Author: 曾永義, 1941- |
Publication Year: 1976 |
Call No.: RBK1970-C02457 |
Title: 阿里巴巴和四十大盜 / |
Publication Year: 1980 |
Call No.: PJ 7733 C5 A 1980 |
Title: 白香詞譜 / |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06298 |
Title: 胡適研究 / |
Author: 李敖, 1935- |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06356 |
Title: 詩想 / |
Author: 林玉鳳, 1972- |
Publication Year: 2007 |
Call No.: PL 2878 N355 Shi 2007 |
ISBN: 9789993732501 |
Title: Computer animation and simulation '99 : Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Milano, Italy, September 7-8, 1999 / |
Call No.: TR 897.7 Com 1999 |
ISBN: 3211833927 |
Title: 为什么错? / |
Author: 江仁俊. |
Publication Year: 1986 |
Call No.: QA 43 Chi 1986 |
Title: 四大名山志 / |
Call No.: RBK1970-C06178 |
Title: 現代漢語詞典 (補編) / |
Author: 中國社會科學院. 語言研究所. 詞典編輯室 |
Publication Year: 1989 |
Call No.: PL 1420 Chu 1989 |
ISBN: 9620701119 |
Title: The Portugal story : three centuries of exploration and discovery / |
Author: Dos Passos, John, 1896-1970. |
Publication Year: 1969 |
Call No.: RBK1960-03828 |
ISBN: 9780709112396 |
Title: Who's afraid of virginia woolf? / |
Author: Albee, Edward, 1928- |
Publication Year: 1965 |
Call No.: RBK1970-10894 |
ISBN: 0140480617 |
Title: Read better, read faster : a new approach to efficient reading / |
Author: De Leeuw, Manya |
Call No.: RBK1970-10895 |
ISBN: 0140207406 |
Title: 新教在華傳教前十年回顧 / |
Author: Milne, William, 1785-1822. |
Publication Year: 2008 |
Call No.: BV 3415 Mil 2008 |
ISBN: 9787534749520 |
Title: 論粤方言詞本字考釋 / |
Author: 陳伯煇 |
Publication Year: 1998 |
Call No.: PL 1739 Che 1998 |
ISBN: 9622319475 |
Title: 在美国发现历史 : 留美历史学人反思录 = Discovering history in America : reflections of Chinese historians in the United States / |
Publication Year: 2010 |
Call No.: E 175.45 Tsa 2010 |
ISBN: 7301172389 |
Title: Selected readings from the works of Mao Tsetung. |
Author: 毛澤東, 1893-1976 |
Publication Year: 1971 |
Call No.: RBK1970-03307 |
Title: 3 小時讀通微積分 / |
Author: 石山たいら, author |
Publication Year: 2010 |
Call No.: QA 303.2 Ish 2010 |
ISBN: 986636335X |
Title: A story of three cats and their friendship : the adventures of Peach, Jam & Cheese / |
Publication Year: 2013 |
Call No.: PZ 7 Sto 2013 |
Title: The economic history of China : from antiquity to the nineteenth century / |
Author: Von Glahn, Richard |
Publication Year: 2016 |
Call No.: HC 427.6 Von 2016 |
ISBN: 9781107030565 |
Title: 統計年鑑 ... = Anuario estatistico ... = Yearbook of statistics ... |
Author: Macau. Reparticao dos Servicos de Estatistica |
Call No.: HA 4641 M31 Mac |
Title: Cartas familiares |
Author: Oliveira, Francisco Xavier de, 1702-1783, autor. |
Call No.: RBK1960-03067 |
Title: Poemas de Shu Wang = 舒望詩集 / |
Author: 舒望, 1957-, autor |
Publication Year: 2012 |
Call No.: PL 2959 W3 Poe 2012 |
ISBN: 9789993701590 |
Title: Setting the standard for project based learning : a proven approach to rigorous classroom instruction / |
Author: Larmer, John. |
Call No.: LB 1027.43 Lar 2015 |
ISBN: 1416620338 |
Title: Mong-Ha / |
Author: Fernandes, Henrique de Senna, 1923-2010 |
Publication Year: 1998 |
Call No.: PQ 9959 F4 Mon 1998 |
ISBN: 9723502690 |
Title: Abraço : uma escultura para Macau, Jardim Luís de Camões = 擁抱 : 一座獻給澳門, 賈梅士花園的塑像 = Hug : one sculpture to Macau, Luís de Camões Garden / |
Call No.: DS 796 M331 Abr 1997 |