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初一學生記敘文寫作修辭格表現及其與寫作成績的關係 : 以澳門一所學校為例 /
Title:  初一學生記敘文寫作修辭格表現及其與寫作成績的關係 : 以澳門一所學校為例 /
Author:  殷彤
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 786 YIN
Do Chinese banks benefit from revenue diversification? /
Title:  Do Chinese banks benefit from revenue diversification? /
Author:  Iao, Meng Wai
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA 210 IAO
Do Chinese banks benefit from revenue diversification? /
Title:  Do Chinese banks benefit from revenue diversification? /
Author:  Iao, Meng Wai
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA 210 IAO
The determinants of China's import and export trade /
Title:  The determinants of China's import and export trade /
Author:  Liu, Xiao Na
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA(BF) 284 LIU
The determinants of China's import and export trade /
Title:  The determinants of China's import and export trade /
Author:  Liu, Xiao Na
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MBA(BF) 284 LIU
Stress intensity factors analysis of semi-circle surface crack in a steel cylinder subjected to uniform loading /
Title:  Stress intensity factors analysis of semi-circle surface crack in a steel cylinder subjected to uniform loading /
Author:  Zhou, Lin Rui
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MST(C) 198 ZHOU
Stress intensity factors analysis of semi-circle surface crack in a steel cylinder subjected to uniform loading /
Title:  Stress intensity factors analysis of semi-circle surface crack in a steel cylinder subjected to uniform loading /
Author:  Zhou, Lin Rui
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MST(C) 198 ZHOU
Age differences in explicit and implicit prejudice toward gender-atypical voice : Implications for behavioral intentions /
Age differences in explicit and implicit prejudice toward gender-atypical voice : Implications for behavioral intentions /
多媒體輔助教學對幼稚園學習活動的教學成效研究 /
Title:  多媒體輔助教學對幼稚園學習活動的教學成效研究 /
Author:  姚越
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 791 YAO
多媒體輔助教學對幼稚園學習活動的教學成效研究 /
Title:  多媒體輔助教學對幼稚園學習活動的教學成效研究 /
Author:  姚越
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 791 YAO
Linkages between Bitcoin market and the markets of SP500, oil and gold /
Title:  Linkages between Bitcoin market and the markets of SP500, oil and gold /
Author:  Cai, Wen Jing
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFSS(E) 079 CAI
Linkages between Bitcoin market and the markets of SP500, oil and gold /
Title:  Linkages between Bitcoin market and the markets of SP500, oil and gold /
Author:  Cai, Wen Jing
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFSS(E) 079 CAI
高校體育教師的學術身份及其構建之研究 : 廣東省內某中外合作辨學高校的個案研究 /
Title:  高校體育教師的學術身份及其構建之研究 : 廣東省內某中外合作辨學高校的個案研究 /
Author:  李耔昂
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 790 LI
高校體育教師的學術身份及其構建之研究 : 廣東省內某中外合作辨學高校的個案研究 /
Title:  高校體育教師的學術身份及其構建之研究 : 廣東省內某中外合作辨學高校的個案研究 /
Author:  李耔昂
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 790 LI
心智圖在澳門小學中年級閱讀教學中的應用 /
Title:  心智圖在澳門小學中年級閱讀教學中的應用 /
Author:  陳月霞
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 789 CHEN
心智圖在澳門小學中年級閱讀教學中的應用 /
Title:  心智圖在澳門小學中年級閱讀教學中的應用 /
Author:  陳月霞
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 789 CHEN
澳門教師對融合教育自我效能, 態度與意向之關係研究 /
Title:  澳門教師對融合教育自我效能, 態度與意向之關係研究 /
Author:  蔡鎧雯
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 788 CHOI
澳門教師對融合教育自我效能, 態度與意向之關係研究 /
Title:  澳門教師對融合教育自我效能, 態度與意向之關係研究 /
Author:  蔡鎧雯
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 788 CHOI
The mediating effect of regulatory focus on the relationship between perceived parenting styles and adolescent mental health /
The mediating effect of regulatory focus on the relationship between perceived parenting styles and adolescent mental health /
孔子, 黃老學派德刑觀異同及其現代德育教育意義 /
Title:  孔子, 黃老學派德刑觀異同及其現代德育教育意義 /
Author:  葉彦妤
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 785 YIP
孔子, 黃老學派德刑觀異同及其現代德育教育意義 /
Title:  孔子, 黃老學派德刑觀異同及其現代德育教育意義 /
Author:  葉彦妤
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 785 YIP
基於智能公平之環境啟發學生的多元智能 : 以 "城南舊事" 為文本 /
Title:  基於智能公平之環境啟發學生的多元智能 : 以 "城南舊事" 為文本 /
Author:  夏詠儀
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 784 XIA
基於智能公平之環境啟發學生的多元智能 : 以 "城南舊事" 為文本 /
Title:  基於智能公平之環境啟發學生的多元智能 : 以 "城南舊事" 為文本 /
Author:  夏詠儀
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 784 XIA
基於理論視角和分析結果探討小學算術連貫性形成性評價的建立 /
Title:  基於理論視角和分析結果探討小學算術連貫性形成性評價的建立 /
Author:  張莉
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 783 ZHANG
基於理論視角和分析結果探討小學算術連貫性形成性評價的建立 /
Title:  基於理論視角和分析結果探討小學算術連貫性形成性評價的建立 /
Author:  張莉
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 783 ZHANG
澳門幼兒教師的職業認同感和職業生涯規劃現狀的研究 /
Title:  澳門幼兒教師的職業認同感和職業生涯規劃現狀的研究 /
Author:  王雅瑋
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 782 WANG
澳門幼兒教師的職業認同感和職業生涯規劃現狀的研究 /
Title:  澳門幼兒教師的職業認同感和職業生涯規劃現狀的研究 /
Author:  王雅瑋
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 782 WANG
中國農村母嬰互動質量情況及特徵 : 來自山東省的證據 /
Title:  中國農村母嬰互動質量情況及特徵 : 來自山東省的證據 /
Author:  劉夢姬
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  MFE 781 LIU