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Title: 跨學科 STEM 教育概念框架的系統綜述 / |
Author: 廖綺婷 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1035 LIAO |
Title: The antecedents and influences of boredom and enjoyment in college English writing classes / |
Author: Zhang, Ling Xiang |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1034 ZHANG |
Title: The antecedents and influences of boredom and enjoyment in college English writing classes / |
Author: Zhang, Ling Xiang |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1034 ZHANG |
Title: 私立高中EFL學生學習困難成因與相關學習經歷研究 / |
Author: 盧軼 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1033 LU |
Title: 私立高中EFL學生學習困難成因與相關學習經歷研究 / |
Author: 盧軼 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1033 LU |
Title: 基於智能公平之環境啟迪幼兒多元智能 : 以中國啟蒙讀物《三字經》為文本 / |
Author: 張嘉玲 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1032 CHEONG |
Title: 基於智能公平之環境啟迪幼兒多元智能 : 以中國啟蒙讀物《三字經》為文本 / |
Author: 張嘉玲 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1032 CHEONG |
Title: The dynamics of classroom participation in a foreign teacher's oral English class for Chinese English-majored students : through the lens of cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) / |
Author: Mi, Yi Jia |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1031 MI |
Title: The dynamics of classroom participation in a foreign teacher's oral English class for Chinese English-majored students : through the lens of cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) / |
Author: Mi, Yi Jia |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1031 MI |
Title: Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development / |
Author: Xiang, Mei Qi |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1030 XIANG |
Title: Becoming an English teacher : prompts and challenges in teacher identity development / |
Author: Xiang, Mei Qi |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MFE 1030 XIANG |
Title: "給"字句的歷時演變和共時比較研究 = A diachronic and synchronic study of Gei sentences / |
Author: 王旭 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LING) 159 WANG |
Title: "給"字句的歷時演變和共時比較研究 = A diachronic and synchronic study of Gei sentences / |
Author: 王旭 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LING) 159 WANG |
Title: 安多藏語中的漢語借詞變異研究 = A study on the variation of Chinese loanwords in Amdo Tibetan / |
Author: 更桑多傑 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LING) 158 GENGSANG |
Title: 安多藏語中的漢語借詞變異研究 = A study on the variation of Chinese loanwords in Amdo Tibetan / |
Author: 更桑多傑 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LING) 158 GENGSANG |
Title: 南通方言新老派辭彙對比研究 = Vocabulary difference between the old and new varieties of the Nantong dialect / |
Author: 孫文逸 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LING) 157 SUN |
Title: 南通方言新老派辭彙對比研究 = Vocabulary difference between the old and new varieties of the Nantong dialect / |
Author: 孫文逸 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LING) 157 SUN |
Title: "A不到哪里去"結構的語義和句法分析 = A semantic and syntactic analysis of "A-budao nali qu" construction / |
Author: 朱月婷 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LING) 156 ZHU |
Title: "A不到哪里去"結構的語義和句法分析 = A semantic and syntactic analysis of "A-budao nali qu" construction / |
Author: 朱月婷 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LING) 156 ZHU |
Title: 論「二重人格」在施蟄存精神分析小說中的體現 = On the embodiment of 'dual-personality' in Shi Zhecun's psychoanalytic novels / |
Author: 黃杰 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 264 WONG |
Title: 論「二重人格」在施蟄存精神分析小說中的體現 = On the embodiment of 'dual-personality' in Shi Zhecun's psychoanalytic novels / |
Author: 黃杰 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 264 WONG |
Title: 敘事倫理 : 從概念到實踐, 以蕭紅作品為例 = Narrative ethics : from concept to practice, using Xiao Hong's works as an example / |
Author: 郭力銘 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 263 GUO |
Title: 敘事倫理 : 從概念到實踐, 以蕭紅作品為例 = Narrative ethics : from concept to practice, using Xiao Hong's works as an example / |
Author: 郭力銘 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 263 GUO |
Title: 比較《塵埃落定》與《喧嘩與騷動》癡傻視角下的不可靠敘事 = A comparison of the unreliable narratives of "Red Poppies" and "The Sound and the Fury" from a silly perspective / |
Author: 鄺頌藍 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 262 KUONG |
Title: 比較《塵埃落定》與《喧嘩與騷動》癡傻視角下的不可靠敘事 = A comparison of the unreliable narratives of "Red Poppies" and "The Sound and the Fury" from a silly perspective / |
Author: 鄺頌藍 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 262 KUONG |
Title: 張潔新時期小說的"人學"審視 = Analysis on "Ren Xue" in Zhang Jie' s new period novels / |
Author: 李靜潤 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 261 LI |
Title: 張潔新時期小說的"人學"審視 = Analysis on "Ren Xue" in Zhang Jie' s new period novels / |
Author: 李靜潤 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 261 LI |
Title: 論汪曾祺小說創作的"衰年變法" = On Wang Zengqi's reform of novel creation in his old age / |
Author: 馬一戈 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 260 MA |
Title: 論汪曾祺小說創作的"衰年變法" = On Wang Zengqi's reform of novel creation in his old age / |
Author: 馬一戈 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 260 MA |
Title: 澳門詩人梁彥明研究 = Research on Macao poet Liang Yanming / |
Author: 劉嘉琪 |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: MCS(LIT) 259 LAO |