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先秦自然學概論 /
Title:  先秦自然學概論 /
Author:  陳文濤.
Publication Year:  [1970]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C10028
神經衰弱及治療 /
Title:  神經衰弱及治療 /
Author:  杉田直樹, 1887-1949.
Publication Year:  民國59 [1970]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C10030
青年與學問 /
Title:  青年與學問 /
Author:  唐君毅, 撰.
Publication Year:  民64
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09763
目錄學 /
Title:  目錄學 /
Author:  姚名達, 1905-1942.
Publication Year:  1971 [民國60].
Call No.:  RBK1970-C10066
巴拉巴 /
Title:  巴拉巴 /
Author:  拉克威 (Lagerkvist, Par) 著.
Publication Year:  民59[1970].
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09806
祝善集 /
Title:  祝善集 /
Author:  彭歌, 1926-
Publication Year:  民國59 [1970]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09728
作家印象記 /
Title:  作家印象記 /
Author:  謝冰瑩, 1906-2000.
Publication Year:  1972
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09672
章實齋先生年譜 /
Title:  章實齋先生年譜 /
Author:  胡適, 1891-1962.
Publication Year:  民國 62 [1973]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09961
天國的夜市 /
Title:  天國的夜市 /
Author:  余光中, 1928-
Publication Year:  民國63 [1974]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09696
Japan in the free world economy : a statement on national policy by the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development /
Title:  Japan in the free world economy : a statement on national policy by the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development /
Author:  Committee for Economic Development, corporate author.
Publication Year:  [1963]
Call No.:  RBK1960-09026
桑他耶那自傳 /
Title:  桑他耶那自傳 /
Author:  桑他耶那.
Publication Year:  民59[1970]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09807
流浪者之歌 /
Title:  流浪者之歌 /
Author:  Hesse, Hermann, 1877-1962
Publication Year:  1971
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09787
德國詩選 /
Title:  德國詩選 /
Publication Year:  民62[1973].
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09738
秦漢政治制度 /
Title:  秦漢政治制度 /
Author:  陶希聖, 1899-1988.
Publication Year:  民國66 [1977]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09954
Children's stories of the Bible from the Old and New Testaments /
Title:  Children's stories of the Bible from the Old and New Testaments /
Author:  Bradford, Barbara Taylor, 1933-
Publication Year:  ©1968
Call No.:  RBK1960-08927
Modern piano pieces and 20th century : presenting 22 compositions as written by master composers /
Title:  Modern piano pieces and 20th century : presenting 22 compositions as written by master composers /
Author:  Raphling, Sam, editor.
Publication Year:  1965
Call No.:  RBK1960-08556
Analytical planning and improved resource allocation in British universities : a critical evaluation of American PPBS and its potential in Great Britain /
An experiment in wartime intercultural relations : Philippine students in Japan, 1943-1945 /
Title:  An experiment in wartime intercultural relations : Philippine students in Japan, 1943-1945 /
Author:  Goodman, Grant K.
Publication Year:  1962
Call No.:  RBK1960-09305
德奧短篇小說選 /
Title:  德奧短篇小說選 /
Author:  史篤姆, 著.
Publication Year:  民60[1971].
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09793
The national language question : linguistic problems of newly independent states /
Title:  The national language question : linguistic problems of newly independent states /
Author:  Le Page, R. B. 1920-2006. (Robert Brock),
Publication Year:  1966
Call No.:  RBK1960-09240
Songs of the Gilded Age /
Title:  Songs of the Gilded Age /
Publication Year:  ©1960.
Call No.:  RBK1960-08526
藥學 /
Title:  藥學 /
Author:  伊藤靖.
Publication Year:  民國59 [1970]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C10031
魏晉的自然主義 /
Title:  魏晉的自然主義 /
Author:  容肇祖, 撰.
Publication Year:  民59[1970].
Call No.:  RBK1970-C10042
廣藝舟雙楫. 藝舟雙楫 /
Title:  廣藝舟雙楫. 藝舟雙楫 /
Author:  康有為, pseud. van 康祖诒, 1858-1927, author
Publication Year:  1972
Call No.:  RBK1970-C10021
Vanishing wild animals of the world /
Title:  Vanishing wild animals of the world /
Author:  Fitter, Richard Sidney Richmond.
Publication Year:  1968
Call No.:  RBK1960-09252
ISBN:  9780718207694
關公的人格與神格 /
Title:  關公的人格與神格 /
Author:  黄華節, author.
Publication Year:  民國61 [1972]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09920
交廣印度兩道考 /
Title:  交廣印度兩道考 /
Author:  Pelliot, Paul, 1878-1945.
Publication Year:  民國 59 [1970]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C10025
美国预算制度 /
Title:  美国预算制度 /
Author:  唐元欣.
Publication Year:  民国59 [1970]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09943
孤軍苦鬭記 /
Title:  孤軍苦鬭記 /
Author:  毛振翔, 著.
Publication Year:  民61 [1972]
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09753
巴黎畫誌 /
Title:  巴黎畫誌 /
Author:  陳錦芳, 1936-
Publication Year:  民國59 [1970].
Call No.:  RBK1970-C09823