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Main > All > Category : Language and Literature
Title: Unknown Far East : an intellectual history of Charles Ralph Boxer / |
Author: Pan, Zheng Zheng |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFAH(H) 005 PAN |
Title: Unknown Far East : an intellectual history of Charles Ralph Boxer / |
Author: Pan, Zheng Zheng |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFAH(H) 005 PAN |
Title: 檀香木之路 : 明清時期澳門與帝汶的檀香木貿易及其影響 (1557-1844) / |
Author: 郭姝伶 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFAH(H) 004 GUO |
Title: 檀香木之路 : 明清時期澳門與帝汶的檀香木貿易及其影響 (1557-1844) / |
Author: 郭姝伶 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFAH(H) 004 GUO |
Title: 宋代小說與道教關係研究 / |
Author: 慎澤明 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFAH(LIT-C) 024 SHEN |
Title: 宋代小說與道教關係研究 / |
Author: 慎澤明 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFAH(LIT-C) 024 SHEN |
Title: 廣州方言普通話變異音系研究 / |
Author: 趙梓汛 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFAH(LING-C) 019 ZHAO |
Title: 廣州方言普通話變異音系研究 / |
Author: 趙梓汛 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFAH(LING-C) 019 ZHAO |
Title: Transport layer optimization for high-efficiency and stable planner n-i-p perovskite solar cells / |
Author: Tu, Bao |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PIAPME 017 TU |
Title: Transport layer optimization for high-efficiency and stable planner n-i-p perovskite solar cells / |
Author: Tu, Bao |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PIAPME 017 TU |
Title: The role of bulky alkylammonium cations in efficient and stable perovskite solar cells / |
Author: Liang, Chao |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PIAPME 016 LIANG |
Title: The role of bulky alkylammonium cations in efficient and stable perovskite solar cells / |
Author: Liang, Chao |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PIAPME 016 LIANG |
Title: 曼茶羅 : 藏傳佛教宗教財產研究 / |
Author: 赤乃翁姆 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFLL 051 CHI |
Title: 曼茶羅 : 藏傳佛教宗教財產研究 / |
Author: 赤乃翁姆 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFLL 051 CHI |
Title: 澳門洗錢犯罪與刑事對策研究 : 以博彩法律制度為視角 / |
Author: 盧頌馨 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFLL 050 LU |
Title: 澳門洗錢犯罪與刑事對策研究 : 以博彩法律制度為視角 / |
Author: 盧頌馨 |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFLL 050 LU |
Title: Knowledge, attitudes and behavioural intentions related to advance care planning among university students in Macau, Hong Kong and China / |
Author: Lok, Ka In |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFHS 057 LOK |
Title: Knowledge, attitudes and behavioural intentions related to advance care planning among university students in Macau, Hong Kong and China / |
Author: Lok, Ka In |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFHS 057 LOK |
Title: High performance Gigahertz Nyquist ADC designs / |
Author: Jiang, Wen Ning |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(E) 070 JIANG |
Title: High performance Gigahertz Nyquist ADC designs / |
Author: Jiang, Wen Ning |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(E) 070 JIANG |
Title: Exposing splicing forgery by supervised learning / |
Author: Liu, Bo |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(CS) 024 LIU |
Title: Exposing splicing forgery by supervised learning / |
Author: Liu, Bo |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(CS) 024 LIU |
Title: Three-point combined compact difference methods for solving time fractional partial differential equations / |
Author: Zhang, Chun Hua |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(MT) 054 ZHANG |
Title: Three-point combined compact difference methods for solving time fractional partial differential equations / |
Author: Zhang, Chun Hua |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(MT) 054 ZHANG |
Title: The everywhere-animal is us : or you're an animal too / |
Author: Kelen, Christopher, 1958- |
Publication Year: 2018 |
Call No.: PR 9619.3 K448 Eve 2018 |
Title: The Oxford-Duden pictorial Portuguese-English dictionary. |
Publication Year: 1992 |
Call No.: PC 5328 Oxf 1992 |
ISBN: 0198641826 |
Title: 元明散曲選 / |
Author: 石紹勛 |
Publication Year: 1984 |
Call No.: PL 2564.4 Shi 1984 |
ISBN: 780578504X |
Title: 中英雙向翻譯新視野 : 英文讀, 寫, 譯實務與體例 = Two-way translations between English and Chinese / |
Author: 葉乃嘉 |
Publication Year: 2007 |
Call No.: P 306 Yeh 2007 |
ISBN: 9789571146485 |
Title: 莎士比亚和他的戏剧 / |
Author: 施咸荣. |
Publication Year: 1981 |
Call No.: PR 2979 C5 Shi 1981 |
Title: 劉半農選集. |
Author: 劉復, 1891-1934. |
Publication Year: [1980?] |
Call No.: PL 2782 F8 Liu 1980 |