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Main > All > Category : Language and Literature
Title: Diversifying sparse representation for robust dictionary-based classification / |
Author: Zeng, Shao Ning |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(CS) 033 ZENG |
Title: Diversifying sparse representation for robust dictionary-based classification / |
Author: Zeng, Shao Ning |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(CS) 033 ZENG |
Title: Quality aware crowdsourced processing / |
Author: Li, Yan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(CS) 032 LI |
Title: Quality aware crowdsourced processing / |
Author: Li, Yan |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(CS) 032 LI |
Title: Spatial variations of air pollution in different microenvironments in the Pearl River Delta Region, China / |
Author: Liu, Ben |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(C) 029 LIU |
Title: Spatial variations of air pollution in different microenvironments in the Pearl River Delta Region, China / |
Author: Liu, Ben |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(C) 029 LIU |
Title: Fate and transport of Pb/Cd/P at the sediment-water interface / |
Author: Shen, Ting Ting |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(C) 028 SHEN |
Title: Fate and transport of Pb/Cd/P at the sediment-water interface / |
Author: Shen, Ting Ting |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PFST(C) 028 SHEN |
Title: 華華越詞典 = Hoa Hoa Viet tu dien. |
Publication Year: 2003 |
Call No.: PL 4377 Hua 2003 |
Title: Linguagem, tradução, literatura (filosofia, teoria e crítica) / |
Author: Benjamin, Walter, 1892-1940, autor. |
Publication Year: 2015 |
Call No.: P 107 Ben 2015 |
ISBN: 9723718278 |
Title: Ecos de uma viagem : em honra de Eduardo Mayone Dias / |
Publication Year: [1999] |
Call No.: PQ 9003 Eco 1999 |
ISBN: 9780943722252 |
Title: Correspondência 1943-1977 : incluindo o carteio de Mécia de Sena / |
Author: Sena, Jorge de, autor. |
Publication Year: 2013 |
Call No.: PQ 9261 S46 Cor 2013 |
ISBN: 9897020756 |
Title: Antologia de contos originais / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: PQ 9176 Ant 2020 |
ISBN: 9896899932 |
Title: Un'altra volta ti rivedo : viaggio nella poetica pessoana : atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi Pessoani, Firenzi 2-3 Ottobre 2012 / |
Author: Convegno internazionale di Studi Pessoani (Firenze : 2-3 Ottobre 2012) |
Publication Year: [2013] |
Call No.: PQ 9261 P417 Con 2012 |
ISBN: 8853437545 |
Title: Correspondência com José Régio : 1934-1938 / |
Author: Nemésio, Vitorino, 1901-1978, autor. |
Publication Year: 2007 |
Call No.: PQ 9261 N35 Cor 2007 |
ISBN: 972271631X |