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Tannenberg 1914 /
Title:  Tannenberg 1914 /
Author:  Sweetman, John, 1935-
Publication Year:  2002
Call No.:  D 552 T3 Swe 2002
ISBN:  0304356352
From the Tagus to the Ganges /
Title:  From the Tagus to the Ganges /
Author:  Subrahmanyam, Sanjay.
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  DS 435 Sub 2005
ISBN:  0195668650
Bali & Lombok /
Title:  Bali & Lombok /
Author:  Greenway, Paul.
Publication Year:  ©1999.
Call No.:  DS 647 B2 Gre 1999
ISBN:  9780864426062
古希腊史 /
Title:  古希腊史 /
Author:  Sergeev, V. S. (Vladimir Sergeevich)
Publication Year:  2011
Call No.:  DF 215 Ser 2011
ISBN:  7300129110
澳門街頭巷尾之故事, 傳說及回憶 /
Title:  澳門街頭巷尾之故事, 傳說及回憶 /
Author:  Basilio, Manuel V.
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  DS 796 M33 Bas 2020
ISBN:  9789996559433
Pioneers of Macao : the story of 14 Chinese who helped to make the city /
Title:  Pioneers of Macao : the story of 14 Chinese who helped to make the city /
Author:  O'Neill, Mark, author.
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  DS 796 M353 A2 O'N 2018
ISBN:  9996559203
The New Silk Road and the Portuguese Speaking Counties in the new world context /
Title:  The New Silk Road and the Portuguese Speaking Counties in the new world context /
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  DS 740.5 P6 New 2019
ISBN:  9789895419388
澳門非物質文化遺產 = Património cultural imaterial de Macau = Intangible heritage of Macao /
Title:  澳門非物質文化遺產 = Património cultural imaterial de Macau = Intangible heritage of Macao /
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  DS 796 M315 Ao 2019
ISBN:  9789996559334
A magia das magia das ruas de Macau /
Title:  A magia das magia das ruas de Macau /
Author:  Dias, Carlos
Publication Year:  2018
Call No.:  DS 796 M315 Dia 2018
ISBN:  9789996559174
辛亥革命与华侨 /
Title:  辛亥革命与华侨 /
Author:  洪丝丝.
Publication Year:  1982
Call No.:  DS 773.4 Hsi 1982
明丘文莊公濬年譜 /
Title:  明丘文莊公濬年譜 /
Author:  王萬福, 1912-
Publication Year:  民國74 [1985]
Call No.:  DS 753.6 C488 Wan 1985
Retratos de Luso-Asiáticos de Macau /
Title:  Retratos de Luso-Asiáticos de Macau /
Author:  Martins, João Palla
Publication Year:  2020
Call No.:  DS 796 M341 M3 Mar 2020
ISBN:  9789996559440
Reminiscences of a wartime refugee : Macau and Hong Kong during World War Two how people lived and coped /
Title:  Reminiscences of a wartime refugee : Macau and Hong Kong during World War Two how people lived and coped /
Author:  Silva, Frederic A.
Publication Year:  2013
Call No.:  DS 777.53 Sil 2013
ISBN:  9789993745686
Commemorating Francisco Hermenegildo Fernandes : Dr. Sun Yat-sen's close revolutionary comrade from Macau /
Title:  Commemorating Francisco Hermenegildo Fernandes : Dr. Sun Yat-sen's close revolutionary comrade from Macau /
Author:  霍啟昌, 1942-
Publication Year:  2013
Call No.:  DS 796 M353 F47 Huo 2013
ISBN:  9789993745693
澳門葡式遺產 : 一座珍貴的寶藏之城 /
Title:  澳門葡式遺產 : 一座珍貴的寶藏之城 /
Author:  Rangel, Jorge A. H.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  DS 796 M33 Ran 2019
ISBN:  9789996559273
民族考古学论集 /
Title:  民族考古学论集 /
Author:  汪宁生, 1930-
Publication Year:  1989
Call No.:  DS 730 Wan 1989
ISBN:  9787501002368
Title:  中国考古学会第六次年会论文集.
Author:  中国考古学会. 年会 China) 1987 : (6th :
Publication Year:  1990
Call No.:  DS 715 Chu 1987
ISBN:  9787501003075
The Portuguese community in Macau : a pictorial history /
Title:  The Portuguese community in Macau : a pictorial history /
Author:  Silva, Antonio Manuel Maria Pacheco Jorge da, 1938- author.
Publication Year:  2019
Call No.:  DS 796 M341 P6 Sil 2019
ISBN:  9996559297
俄羅斯的興起 /
Title:  俄羅斯的興起 /
Author:  Wallace, Robert, 1919-
Publication Year:  1979
Call No.:  DK 71 Wal 1979
羅馬帝國 /
Title:  羅馬帝國 /
Author:  Hadas, Moses, 1900-1966.
Publication Year:  1979
Call No.:  DG 272 Had 1979
北京風光 = Beijing scenes /
Title:  北京風光 = Beijing scenes /
Publication Year:  1980
Call No.:  DS 795 Pei 1980
中央关注的若干重大问题 /
Title:  中央关注的若干重大问题 /
Publication Year:  2004
Call No.:  DS 779.26 Chu 2004
ISBN:  9787503530722
A concise history of Portugal /
Title:  A concise history of Portugal /
Author:  Birmingham, David
Publication Year:  1993
Call No.:  DP 538 Bir 1993
ISBN:  0521438802
粤海近代史谭 /
Title:  粤海近代史谭 /
Author:  沙东迅.
Publication Year:  1989
Call No.:  DS 793 K7 Sha 1989
ISBN:  9787562301257
勘界大臣馬楂度葡中香港澳門勘界談判日記 (1909-1910) /
Title:  勘界大臣馬楂度葡中香港澳門勘界談判日記 (1909-1910) /
Author:  Regio, Joaquim Jose Machado
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  DS 796 M35 Reg
ISBN:  9726581354
廣東年鑒 /
Title:  廣東年鑒 /
Publication Year:  1987-
Call No.:  DS 793 K7 Kua
Title:  中國近代史論叢.
Author:  包遵彭
Publication Year:  1979-1981.
Call No.:  DS 774 Chu
Western views of China and the Far East /
Title:  Western views of China and the Far East /
Publication Year:  [1982]-[1984]
Call No.:  DS 727 Wes 1982