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Main > All > Category : History
Title: 已故中国皇帝道光传及清廷回忆录 : 含中华帝国近50年大事记 / |
Author: Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August, 1803-1851 author |
Publication Year: 2021 |
Call No.: DS 757 Gut 2021 |
ISBN: 9998146313 |
Title: 哈佛遗墨 / |
Author: 杨联陞, 1914-1990. |
Publication Year: 2013 |
Call No.: DS 706 Yan 2013 |
ISBN: 7100092000 |
Title: 二联集 / |
Author: 邹时广, 1938- |
Publication Year: 1994 |
Call No.: DS 779.26 Tso 1994 |
ISBN: 9787218013589 |
Title: 最早的中國 : 二里頭文明的崛起 / |
Author: 许宏, 1963 July- author. |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: DS 797.44 E655 Hsu 2022 |
ISBN: 988876392X |
Title: 爐峰櫻語 : 戰前日本名人香港訪行錄 / |
Author: 黃可兒, author. |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: DS 881.97 Hua 2022 |
ISBN: 9620449010 |
Title: 青色极简史 / |
Author: 包岩, author. |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: DS 727 Pao 2022 |
ISBN: 7514396241 |
Title: 湘鄉曾氏文獻補 / |
Author: 曾國荃, 1824-1890. |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: DS 758.23 T7 Tse 2022 |
ISBN: 957151537X |
Title: 曾文正公手寫日記 / |
Author: 曾國藩, 1811-1872. |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: DS 758.23 T7 Tse 2022 |
ISBN: 9571515353 |
Title: A mais breve história da Rússia : dos eslavos a Putin / |
Author: Milhazes, José, 1958- autor. |
Publication Year: julho 2022. |
Call No.: DK 39 Mil 2022 |
ISBN: 9722074342 |
Title: O banqueiro de Hitler : Hjalmar Schacht e os segredos do poderio económico nazi / |
Author: Bouchard, Jean-François, autor. |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: DD 253.25 Bou 2023 |
ISBN: 989661637X |
Title: Salazar e Caetano : o tempo em que ambos acreditavam chefiar o governo / |
Author: Saraiva, José António, autor. |
Publication Year: outubro 2020. |
Call No.: DP 676 A2 Sar 2020 |
ISBN: 989616987X |
Title: No bicentenário da Revolução Liberal / |
Author: Moreira, Vital, author. |
Publication Year: 2020- |
Call No.: DP 650 Mor 2020 |
ISBN: 9720032863 |
Title: Salazar : a queda de uma cadeira que não existia / |
Author: Saraiva, José António, autor. |
Publication Year: outubro 2020. |
Call No.: DP 676 S25 Sar 2020 |
ISBN: 9896169667 |
Title: 汉帝国的建立与刘邦集团 : 军功受益阶层硏究 = The establishment of the Han empire and the group of Liu Bang: studies on the military meritocracy (revised and enlarged edition) / |
Author: 李开元, 1950- author. |
Publication Year: 2023 |
Call No.: DS 748.13 Li 2023 |
ISBN: 710807396X |
Title: 駝峰生命線 : 抗戰時期印緬物資內運紀錄 (1942-1945) = The Hump : historical documents of inward transport from India and Burma, 1942-1945 / |
Publication Year: 2022 |
Call No.: DS 777.533 T73 To 2022 |
ISBN: 6267157717 |
Title: 印度獨立與中印關係史料(1946-1950) = Historical documents on the independence of India and Sino-Indian Relations,1946-1950 / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 I5 Yin 2020 |
ISBN: 986557800X |
Title: 國民政府抗日戰場中的反細菌戰 = Anti-germ warfare during the second Sino-Japanese War / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 777.52 Kuo 2020 |
ISBN: 988863772X |
Title: 中華民國對日和約 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : the Sino-Japanese peace treaty / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 9869928854 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 金山和約與中日和約的關係 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : the treaty of San Francisco and the Sino-Japanese peace treaty / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 986992882X |
Title: 戰爭賠償與戰犯處理 = War reparations and war criminals / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 9869928811 |
Title: 日本投降與中蘇交涉 = The surrender of imperial Japan and Sino-Soviet negotiations / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Jih 2020 |
ISBN: 9869928803 |
Title: 抗戰時期封鎖與禁運事件 = The blockade of the Second Sino-Japanese War / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 777.52 Kan 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637622 |
Title: 僞組織的建立與各國態度 = The creation of the puppet Chinese governments and the international response / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 777.52 Wei 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637584 |
Title: 滿洲國的成立與國聯對日本侵華的處理 = The creation of Manchukuo and the League of Nations reaction to the Japanese invasion of China / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 784 Man 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637576 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 蘆溝橋事變發生後中國向國際的申訴 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : China appeal to the international community after the Marco Polo bridge incident / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637541 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 蘆溝橋事變前後的中日外交關係 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : Sino-Japanese relations before and after the Marco Polo bridge incident / |
Publication Year: 2020 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Chi 2020 |
ISBN: 9888637517 |
Title: 日軍侵犯上海與進攻華北 = The Japanese invasion of Shanghai and northern China / |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: DS 777.5316 S53 Jih 2019 |
ISBN: 9888637436 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 九一八事變後日本對華的破壞與侵逼 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : Japan's invasion and destruction of China after the Mukden incident / |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: DS 777.52 Chi 2019 |
ISBN: 9888637363 |
Title: 近代中日關係史料彙編 : 九一八事變的發生與中國的反應 = Historical documents on modern Sino-Japanese relations : the Mukden Incident and China's response / |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: DS 783.8 Chi 2019 |
ISBN: 9888637355 |
Title: 國民政府北伐後中日直接衝突 = The Sino-Japanese Conflicts after the Northern Expedition / |
Publication Year: 2019 |
Call No.: DS 740.5 J3 Kuo 2019 |
ISBN: 9888637347 |