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王羲之行书集字古诗 /
Title:  王羲之行书集字古诗 /
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  NK 3634 W3 Wan 2005
ISBN:  9787807250890
勃朗峰之夏 : 纪念中法建交50周年当代中国画作品 = Été au mont Blanc / Mount Blanc summer : collection d'oeuvres contemporaines chinoises en célébration du 50eme anniversaire de l'établissement des relations diplomatiques Sino-Franaises : contemporary Chinese work collection ce
走进东非 : 当代中国画精品集 = Euvres de l'exposition dans l'est de l'Afrique : album de chefs-d'oeuvre contemporains de la peinture chinoise /
走进西非 : 纪念中科建交30周年当代中国画精品集 = En l'honneur du 30e anniversaire de l'établissement des relations diplomatiques entre la Chine et la Côte d'lvoire sélection de chefs-d'ceuvre de peinture chinoise contemporaine /
中国历代名家绘画撷珍 /
Title:  中国历代名家绘画撷珍 /
Publication Year:  1998
Call No.:  ND 1043 Chu 1998
ISBN:  9787530509630
Creativity vs commerce : just trying to make cents, China Stylus 1999-2004.
Title:  Creativity vs commerce : just trying to make cents, China Stylus 1999-2004.
Publication Year:  ©2004.
Call No.:  NC 998.6 H7 Cre 2004
ISBN:  9789889752460
Cassigneul : aquarelles et dessins /
Title:  Cassigneul : aquarelles et dessins /
Author:  Raczymow, Henri, 1948-
Publication Year:  ©1992.
Call No.:  N 44 C345 Rac 1992
ISBN:  9782851320179
Museum Folkwang : masterpieces of the collection /
Title:  Museum Folkwang : masterpieces of the collection /
Publication Year:  [2015].
Call No.:  N 2299 A56 Mus 2015
ISBN:  3944874129
中国古代绘画名品 /
Title:  中国古代绘画名品 /
Author:  石守谦, author.
Publication Year:  2012
Call No.:  ND 1043 Shi 2012
ISBN:  7308102505
High tech architecture /
Title:  High tech architecture /
Author:  Davies, Colin, 1929-
Publication Year:  1991, ©1988.
Call No.:  NA 682 B7 Dav 1991
ISBN:  9780500275344
Painting roses with Deanne Fortnam, MDA /
Title:  Painting roses with Deanne Fortnam, MDA /
Author:  Fortnam, Deanne, 1952-
Publication Year:  ©1998.
Call No.:  ND 1400 For 1998
ISBN:  9780891349136
Sign gallery 3 /
Title:  Sign gallery 3 /
Publication Year:  [2001].
Call No.:  NK 8643.45 Sig 2001
ISBN:  9780944094372
山西画院藏品集萃 /
Title:  山西画院藏品集萃 /
Publication Year:  2017
Call No.:  ND 1045.5 Sha 2017
ISBN:  7102076487
美術敎育 一九九二 /
Title:  美術敎育 一九九二 /
Publication Year:  [1992]
Call No.:  N 85 Mei 1992
The alien life of Wayne Barlowe.
Title:  The alien life of Wayne Barlowe.
Author:  Barlowe, Wayne Douglas, author.
Publication Year:  1995
Call No.:  NC 975.5 B36 Bar 1995
ISBN:  9781883398101
Turn-of-the-century house designs : with floor plans, elevations, and interior details of 24 residences /
Title:  Turn-of-the-century house designs : with floor plans, elevations, and interior details of 24 residences /
Publication Year:  1994
Call No.:  NA 7571 Sub 1994
ISBN:  9780486281865
Patterns and designs from the twenties, in full color /
Title:  Patterns and designs from the twenties, in full color /
Author:  Verneuil, Ad.
Publication Year:  ©1993.
Call No.:  NK 1535 V47 Kal 1993
ISBN:  9780486276908
水之方舟計畫 = Arcing ark : Ichi Ikeda art project 1997-1999 /
Title:  水之方舟計畫 = Arcing ark : Ichi Ikeda art project 1997-1999 /
Author:  池田一, 1943-
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  N 7359 I54 Ike 1999
Terence Conran : design and the quality of life /
Title:  Terence Conran : design and the quality of life /
Author:  Wilhide, Elizabeth.
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  NK 1447.6 C66 Wil 1999
ISBN:  9780500019184
Design crisis : packaging branding & identity advertising design /
Title:  Design crisis : packaging branding & identity advertising design /
Publication Year:  ©2009.
Call No.:  NC 1002 P33 Des 2009
ISBN:  9881768446
Great new buildings of the world /
Title:  Great new buildings of the world /
Author:  Cañizares, Ana Cristina G.
Publication Year:  2005
Call No.:  NA 680 Can 2005
ISBN:  9780060747923
Rethinking the skyscraper : the complete architecture of Ken Yeang /
Title:  Rethinking the skyscraper : the complete architecture of Ken Yeang /
Author:  Powell, Robert, 1942-
Publication Year:  1999
Call No.:  NA 1525.8 Y43 Pow 1999
ISBN:  9780500281550
设计趋势报告 = Design trend report /
Title:  设计趋势报告 = Design trend report /
Author:  杨明洁.
Publication Year:  [2012].
Call No.:  NK 1510 Yan 2012
ISBN:  9789881562579
Beyond the easel : decorative paintings by Bonnard, Vuillard, Denis, and Roussel, 1890-1930 /
Title:  Beyond the easel : decorative paintings by Bonnard, Vuillard, Denis, and Roussel, 1890-1930 /
Author:  Groom, Gloria Lynn.
Publication Year:  ©2001.
Call No.:  NK 1449 A1 Gro 2001
ISBN:  9780300089257
蒋山青书画篆刻集 /
Title:  蒋山青书画篆刻集 /
Publication Year:  2003
Call No.:  NK 3634 C353 Chi 2003
ISBN:  9787806813089
Design by thinking /
Title:  Design by thinking /
Publication Year:  2000
Call No.:  NC 997 A5 Des 2000
ISBN:  9780060198435
Andrzej Dudziński /
Title:  Andrzej Dudziński /
Author:  Dudziński, Andrzej.
Publication Year:  ©1996.
Call No.:  N 7255 P63 Dud 1996
ISBN:  9788322106723
正形設計教育三十年 = CIVA 30th years in design education /
Title:  正形設計教育三十年 = CIVA 30th years in design education /
Publication Year:  [2010].
Call No.:  NK 1170 Che 2010
The great escape /
Title:  The great escape /
Publication Year:  ©2006.
Call No.:  NC 960 Gre 2006
ISBN:  9783899550962
Botero : paintings and drawings /
Title:  Botero : paintings and drawings /
Author:  Botero, Fernando, 1932-
Publication Year:  2007
Call No.:  N 6679 B6 Bot 2007
ISBN:  3791338064