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Plano de habitação para a classe sanduíche : documento de consulta pública : período de consulta : 13 de outubro a 11 de dezembro de 2020.
Poemas de silêncio /
題名:  Poemas de silêncio /
作者:  Raposo, Maria Letícia.
出版年:  1980
索書號:  PQ 9280 A6 Poe 1980
Poesia de agudeza em Portugal /
題名:  Poesia de agudeza em Portugal /
作者:  Carvalho, Maria do Socorro Fernandes de, author.
出版年:  [2007]
索書號:  PQ 9067 Car 2007
ISBN:  8577320383
Poética do saudosismo /
題名:  Poética do saudosismo /
作者:  Guimarães, Fernando, autor.
出版年:  1988
索書號:  PQ 9115 Gui 1988
Por tudo e por nada : crónicas /
題名:  Por tudo e por nada : crónicas /
作者:  Ferro, Rita, author.
出版年:  [1994].
索書號:  PQ 9268 F47 Por 1994
ISBN:  9789725751862
Portugal e o segredo de Colombo /
題名:  Portugal e o segredo de Colombo /
作者:  Rosa, Manuel da Silva, 1961- autor.
出版年:  abril de 2019.
索書號:  DP 583 Ros 2019
ISBN:  9898907614
Português, escritor, quarenta e cinco anos de idade : teatro /
題名:  Português, escritor, quarenta e cinco anos de idade : teatro /
作者:  Santareno, Bernardo, autor.
出版年:  [1974]
索書號:  AUS
Poverty /
題名:  Poverty /
作者:  Taylor, David (Historian)
出版年:  1990
索書號:  HC 260 P6 Tay 1990
ISBN:  9780435310424
PPAB : parallel pooling attention block for convolutional neural network channel pruning /
題名:  PPAB : parallel pooling attention block for convolutional neural network channel pruning /
作者:  Wu, Jun Nan
出版年:  2020
索書號:  MST(CS) 062 WU
PPAB : parallel pooling attention block for convolutional neural network channel pruning /
題名:  PPAB : parallel pooling attention block for convolutional neural network channel pruning /
作者:  Wu, Jun Nan
出版年:  2020
索書號:  MST(CS) 062 WU
Prevention of youth drug abuse /
題名:  Prevention of youth drug abuse /
作者:  Feng, Yi Fan
出版年:  2020
索書號:  MSS(C) 130 FENG
Prevention of youth drug abuse /
題名:  Prevention of youth drug abuse /
作者:  Feng, Yi Fan
出版年:  2020
索書號:  MSS(C) 130 FENG
Print and the people, 1819-1851 /
題名:  Print and the people, 1819-1851 /
出版年:  1978
索書號:  RBK1970-05913
ISBN:  9780140551495
Privacy-preserving and verifiable multimedia computing /
題名:  Privacy-preserving and verifiable multimedia computing /
作者:  Duan, Jia
出版年:  2020
索書號:  PFST(CS) 034 DUAN
Privacy-preserving and verifiable multimedia computing /
題名:  Privacy-preserving and verifiable multimedia computing /
作者:  Duan, Jia
出版年:  2020
索書號:  PFST(CS) 034 DUAN
Problemas de português com soluções /
題名:  Problemas de português com soluções /
作者:  Rebelo, Helena, autor.
出版年:  2017
索書號:  PC 5083 Reb 2017
ISBN:  989996381X
Projecto do plano director da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau (2020-2040) : documento de consulta
題名:  Projecto do plano director da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau (2020-2040) : documento de consulta
作者:  Macau. Governo.
出版年:  [2020]
索書號:  HT 169 M3 Mac 2020p
Public budgeting and finance : readings in theory and practice /
題名:  Public budgeting and finance : readings in theory and practice /
出版年:  1975
索書號:  RBK1970-05623
ISBN:  9780875811628
Public policy evaluation /
題名:  Public policy evaluation /
出版年:  [1975]
索書號:  RBK1970-05593
ISBN:  9780803902688
Puertas a la lengua española /
題名:  Puertas a la lengua española /
出版年:  ©1982.
索書號:  PC 4112 Pue 1982
ISBN:  9780394328799
Quality aware crowdsourced processing /
題名:  Quality aware crowdsourced processing /
作者:  Li, Yan
出版年:  2020
索書號:  PFST(CS) 032 LI
Quality aware crowdsourced processing /
題名:  Quality aware crowdsourced processing /
作者:  Li, Yan
出版年:  2020
索書號:  PFST(CS) 032 LI
Quarto centenário da morte do padre Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) : Macau e o Oriente nas literaturas de língua portuguesa : receios e seduções : atas do Colóquio Internacional, Florença 10-11 de maio de 2010 /
Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion for estimation of near-surface shear-wave velocity profiles using Bayesian methods /
Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion for estimation of near-surface shear-wave velocity profiles using Bayesian methods /
Re-evaluation of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) from the perspective of sovereign participants and investment dispute resolution under China's Belt and Road initiative /
Re-evaluation of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) from the perspective of sovereign participants and investment dispute resolution under China's Belt and Road initiative /
Readings on the international political system /
題名:  Readings on the international political system /
作者:  Rosenbaum, Naomi, compiler.
出版年:  1970
索書號:  RBK1970-05647
ISBN:  9780137615360
Real-time adaptive stereo depth estimation for autonomous vehicles based on self-supervised learning method /
題名:  Real-time adaptive stereo depth estimation for autonomous vehicles based on self-supervised learning method /
作者:  Gan, Wan Shui
出版年:  2021
索書號:  MST(EM) 197 GAN
Real-time adaptive stereo depth estimation for autonomous vehicles based on self-supervised learning method /
題名:  Real-time adaptive stereo depth estimation for autonomous vehicles based on self-supervised learning method /
作者:  Gan, Wan Shui
出版年:  2021
索書號:  MST(EM) 197 GAN