新上架圖書 ()
題名: Macau gaming law : annotated with comments / |
作者: Vilela, Antonio Lobo, author |
出版年: 2020 |
索書號: K M3 3704 Vil 2020 |
ISBN: 9998181615 |
題名: Macau gaming law : annotated with comments / |
作者: Vilela, Antonio Lobo, author |
出版年: 2020 |
索書號: K M3 3704 Vil 2020 |
ISBN: 9998181615 |
題名: Macau uma desocultacao / |
作者: Gross, Benno, 1940- |
出版年: c1990. |
索書號: DS 796 M315 Gro 1990 |
題名: Macau's destination image based on mainland Chinese tourists' travel blogs / |
作者: Liu, Jin |
出版年: 2021 |
索書號: MBA(IIRM) 092 LIU |
題名: Macau's destination image based on mainland Chinese tourists' travel blogs / |
作者: Liu, Jin |
出版年: 2021 |
索書號: MBA(IIRM) 092 LIU |
題名: Makers of modern strategy : Military thought from Machiavelli to Hitler / |
出版年: 1973 |
索書號: RBK1970-05604 |
ISBN: 9780691018539 |
題名: Marketing investment real estate : finance, taxation, techniques / |
作者: Messner, Stephen D. |
出版年: ©1976. |
索書號: RBK1970-05615 |
題名: Mechanical science for technicians / |
作者: McDonagh, Ian. |
出版年: 1979 |
索書號: TA 350 McD 1979 |
ISBN: 9780713134117 |
題名: Meet the real pilgrims : everyday life on Plimoth Plantation in 1627 / |
作者: Loeb, Robert H. |
出版年: ©1979. |
索書號: RBK1970-05614 |
ISBN: 9780385141529 |
題名: Metal-halide perovskite micro-nano single crystals with tailorable structures for optical applications / |
作者: Li, Xiao Jun |
出版年: 2020 |
索書號: PIAPME 025 LI |
題名: Metal-halide perovskite micro-nano single crystals with tailorable structures for optical applications / |
作者: Li, Xiao Jun |
出版年: 2020 |
索書號: PIAPME 025 LI |
題名: Microbial plant pathology / |
作者: Whitney, P. J. |
出版年: 1976 |
索書號: RBK1970-05588 |
ISBN: 9780091253004 |
題名: Migração e exílio : estudo psicanalítico / |
作者: Grinberg, León, autor. |
出版年: [2004] |
索書號: JV 6225 Gri 2004 |
ISBN: 9728449194 |
題名: Mistério em Nine Elms / |
作者: Bryndza, Robert, author. |
出版年: 2019 |
索書號: PR 6102 R96 Nin 2019 |
ISBN: 9898999020 |
題名: Mistérios de Lisboa / |
出版年: [2011] |
索書號: PN 1995.9 M27 Mis 2011 |
題名: Model analysis of structures / |
作者: Hossdorf, Heinz. |
出版年: 1974 |
索書號: RBK1970-05618 |
ISBN: 9780442300180 |
題名: Modeling chemical oxygen demand dynamics in main storage reservoir of Macau via machine learning methods / |
作者: Zhong, Fang Yuan |
出版年: 2021 |
索書號: MST(C) 202 ZHONG |
題名: Modeling chemical oxygen demand dynamics in main storage reservoir of Macau via machine learning methods / |
作者: Zhong, Fang Yuan |
出版年: 2021 |
索書號: MST(C) 202 ZHONG |
題名: Modern linguistics : the results of Chomsky's revolution / |
作者: Smith, Neil. |
出版年: 1979 |
索書號: RBK1970-01938 |
ISBN: 0140220690 |
題名: Monetary theory and monetary policy in the 1970s: proceedings of the 1970 Sheffield Money Seminar / |
作者: Sheffield Money Seminar (1970) |
出版年: 1971 |
索書號: RBK1970-05994 |
ISBN: 9780198281726 |
題名: Monks and magic : an analysis of religious ceremonies in central Thailand / |
作者: Terwiel, B. J. |
出版年: 1975 |
索書號: RBK1970-05957 |
題名: Montaillou : Cathars and Catholics in a French village 1294-1324 / |
作者: Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, author |
出版年: 1984 |
索書號: DC 801 M753 Le 1984 |
ISBN: 9780140551754 |
題名: Motor learning and human performance : an application to motor skills and movement behaviors / |
作者: Singer, Robert N. |
出版年: ©1980. |
索書號: GV 436 Sin 1980 |
ISBN: 9780024107800 |
題名: Mulheres da minha alma : sobre o amor impaciente, a vida longa e as bruxas boas / |
作者: Allende, Isabel, autor. |
出版年: Reimpresso novembro 2020. |
索書號: PQ 8098.1 L54 Muj 2020 |
ISBN: 9720033800 |
題名: Multi-head attention neural networks for nonintrusive load monitoring / |
作者: Lin, Nan |
出版年: 2020 |
索書號: MST(E) 228 LIN |
題名: Multi-head attention neural networks for nonintrusive load monitoring / |
作者: Lin, Nan |
出版年: 2020 |
索書號: MST(E) 228 LIN |
題名: Multimodal approaches to Chinese-English translation and interpreting / |
出版年: 2021 |
索書號: PL 1277 Mul 2021 |
ISBN: 0367331969 |
題名: Multimodal approaches to Chinese-English translation and interpreting / |
出版年: 2021 |
索書號: PL 1277 Mul 2021 |
ISBN: 0367331969 |
題名: Na construcao / |
作者: Civardi, Anne |
出版年: 1987 |
索書號: PZ 7 C58 Bui 1987 |
題名: Na esquina do vento / |
作者: Briz, Ana. |
出版年: [1999]. |
索書號: PQ 9264 R59 Na 1999 |
ISBN: 9789727001750 |