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Designing and managing programs : an effectiveness-based approach /
題名:  Designing and managing programs : an effectiveness-based approach /
作者:  Kettner, Peter M., 1936- author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  HV 95 Ket 2023
ISBN:  1544371438
Diários /
題名:  Diários /
作者:  Berto, Al, autor.
出版年:  2013
索書號:  PQ 9264 E74 Dia 2013
ISBN:  972371650X
Dicionario de algibeira portugues-chines = 袖珍葡中字典 /
題名:  Dicionario de algibeira portugues-chines = 袖珍葡中字典 /
出版年:  1969
索書號:  RMK1684
Differentiated supervision : growing teachers and getting results /
題名:  Differentiated supervision : growing teachers and getting results /
作者:  Mausbach, Ann T., author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  LB 2806.4 Mau 2023
ISBN:  1071853309
Digital media & society /
題名:  Digital media & society /
作者:  Lindgren, Simon, author.
出版年:  [2022]
索書號:  HM 851 Lin 2022
ISBN:  1529722500
Direito fiscal /
題名:  Direito fiscal /
作者:  Nabais, José Casalta, autor.
出版年:  2017
索書號:  KKQ 3550 Nab 2017
ISBN:  9724071154
Doing qualitative research online /
題名:  Doing qualitative research online /
作者:  Salmons, Janet, 1952- author.
出版年:  [2022]
索書號:  ZA 4228 Sal 2022
ISBN:  1529714133
Duas comédias : Um filho ; seguido de A vingança de Antero, ou, Boda deslumbrante /
題名:  Duas comédias : Um filho ; seguido de A vingança de Antero, ou, Boda deslumbrante /
作者:  Gomes, Luísa Costa.
出版年:  1996
索書號:  PQ 9269 O43 Hou 1996
ISBN:  9789727083183
Economic development /
題名:  Economic development /
作者:  Todaro, Michael P., author.
出版年:  2020
索書號:  HD 82 Tod 2020
ISBN:  129229115X
economics programme economics handbook 1994-1995.
題名:  economics programme economics handbook 1994-1995.
出版年:  1994
索書號:  UMHP0167
Effective crisis communication : moving from crisis to opportunity /
題名:  Effective crisis communication : moving from crisis to opportunity /
作者:  Ulmer, Robert R., 1969- author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  HD 49 Ulm 2023
ISBN:  1071852396
Effective practice in the early years /
題名:  Effective practice in the early years /
作者:  McFarlane-Edmond, Pansy, author.
出版年:  2023
索書號:  LB 1139.23 McF 2023
ISBN:  1529798841
Em todos os sentidos : crónicas /
題名:  Em todos os sentidos : crónicas /
作者:  Jorge, Lídia, autor.
出版年:  maio 2023.
索書號:  PQ 9272 O69 Em 2023
ISBN:  9722070088
Ema : romance /
題名:  Ema : romance /
作者:  Horta, Maria Teresa, autor.
出版年:  janeiro 2017.
索書號:  PQ 9261 H75 Ema 2017
ISBN:  9722061992
Embora eu seja um velho errante /
題名:  Embora eu seja um velho errante /
作者:  Cláudio, Mário, autor.
出版年:  junho 2021.
索書號:  PQ 9265 L3 Emb 2021
ISBN:  9722072218
Employment relations : fairness and trust in the workplace /
題名:  Employment relations : fairness and trust in the workplace /
作者:  Bingham, Cecilie, author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  HD 6971.3 Bin 2023
ISBN:  1529774799
Engaging in culturally relevant math tasks : fostering hope in the middle and high school classroom /
題名:  Engaging in culturally relevant math tasks : fostering hope in the middle and high school classroom /
作者:  Matthews, Lou Edward, author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  QA 11.2 Mat 2023
ISBN:  1071841785
English Communications study plan academic year 2002-2003.
題名:  English Communications study plan academic year 2002-2003.
出版年:  2002
索書號:  UMHP0158
English Studies-Gerenal Programme (Language and Literature)English Communications Study Plan & Course Descriptions.
Enhancing teaching practice in higher education /
題名:  Enhancing teaching practice in higher education /
出版年:  [2021]
索書號:  LB 2331 Enh 2021
ISBN:  1526492172
Environmental politics and policy /
題名:  Environmental politics and policy /
作者:  Rosenbaum, Walter A., author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  GE 180 Ros 2023
ISBN:  1071844512
Equity moves to support multilingual learners in mathematics and science, grades K-8 /
題名:  Equity moves to support multilingual learners in mathematics and science, grades K-8 /
作者:  Soto, Ivannia, author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  QA 135.6 Sot 2023
ISBN:  1071873601
ESG investing for dummies /
題名:  ESG investing for dummies /
作者:  Bradley, Brendan, author.
出版年:  [2021]
索書號:  HG 4515.13 Bra 2021
ISBN:  1119771099
Essentials of tourism /
題名:  Essentials of tourism /
作者:  Cooper, Chris, 1952- author.
出版年:  [2022]
索書號:  G 155 A1 Coo 2022
ISBN:  1529778581
Estudos brasileiros na Ásia : língua, literatura e cultura /
題名:  Estudos brasileiros na Ásia : língua, literatura e cultura /
出版年:  2017
索書號:  PC 5038 A78 Est 2017
ISBN:  8572695818
Evaluating program effectiveness : validity and decision-making in outcome evaluation /
題名:  Evaluating program effectiveness : validity and decision-making in outcome evaluation /
作者:  Braverman, Marc T., author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  H 62 Bra 2023
ISBN:  9781506351599
Evaluation time : a practical guide for evaluation /
題名:  Evaluation time : a practical guide for evaluation /
作者:  Barrington, Gail Vallance, 1945- author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  H 62 Bar 2023
ISBN:  154433950X
Explicit English teaching /
題名:  Explicit English teaching /
作者:  Needham, Tom (Teacher), author.
出版年:  [2023]
索書號:  LB 1631 Nee 2023
ISBN:  152974167X
Exploring marketing research /
題名:  Exploring marketing research /
作者:  Babin, Barry J., author.
出版年:  [2016]
索書號:  HF 5415.2 Bab 2016
ISBN:  1305263529
Farsa de Inês Pereira /
題名:  Farsa de Inês Pereira /
作者:  Vicente, Gil, approximately 1470-approximately 1536, autor.
出版年:  2014
索書號:  PQ 9251 Far 2014
ISBN:  972072675X