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The applications of quaternion Hardy filter and biquaternion Z transform /
題名:  The applications of quaternion Hardy filter and biquaternion Z transform /
作者:  Bi, Wen Shan
出版年:  2021
索書號:  PFST(MT) 066 BI
亞洲未來式 : 全面崛起、無限商機, 翻轉世界的爆發新勢力 /
題名:  亞洲未來式 : 全面崛起、無限商機, 翻轉世界的爆發新勢力 /
作者:  Khanna, Parag, author.
出版年:  2021
索書號:  HC 412 Kha 2021
ISBN:  9570856955
香港詞人詞話 /
題名:  香港詞人詞話 /
作者:  黃志華 (Music critic)
出版年:  2021
索書號:  ML 3502 H7 Hua 2021
ISBN:  9789620447471
Veratramine, a novel inhibitor blocks autophagy pathway to sensitize triple-negative breast cancer to DOX-induced chemotherapy /
Direito administrativo : lições Complementares - a grande substituição /
題名:  Direito administrativo : lições Complementares - a grande substituição /
作者:  Antunes, Luís Filipe Colaço, autor.
出版年:  2021
索書號:  KKQ 2720 Ant 2021
ISBN:  9724095770
Veratramine, a novel inhibitor blocks autophagy pathway to sensitize triple-negative breast cancer to DOX-induced chemotherapy /
凝視約翰.伯格 : 我們這個時代的作家 = A writer of our time : the life and work of John Berger /
題名:  凝視約翰.伯格 : 我們這個時代的作家 = A writer of our time : the life and work of John Berger /
作者:  Sperling, Joshua, author
出版年:  2021
索書號:  PR 6052 E564 Z5 Spe 2021
ISBN:  9571384887
人格與中醫體質相關性研究 /
題名:  人格與中醫體質相關性研究 /
作者:  龐開中
出版年:  2021
索書號:  MST(MA) 297 PANG
因為她, 我愛看書 /
題名:  因為她, 我愛看書 /
作者:  Henson, Heather, author
出版年:  2021
索書號:  PZ 7 H39863 Tha 2021
ISBN:  9789865576219
人格與中醫體質相關性研究 /
題名:  人格與中醫體質相關性研究 /
作者:  龐開中
出版年:  2021
索書號:  MST(MA) 297 PANG
Comparison of growth analysis for Chinese and US-listed pharmaceutical companies from 2003-2018 using the lightGBM algorithm /
民主的思辨 : 101個關於民主最重要的事  /
題名:  民主的思辨 : 101個關於民主最重要的事 /
作者:  Nolte, Paul, 1963- author
出版年:  2021
索書號:  JC 423 Nol 2021
ISBN:  957856791X
Investigation of liquid in cognac glass with different profiles /
題名:  Investigation of liquid in cognac glass with different profiles /
作者:  Ieong, Kuong Io
出版年:  2021
索書號:  MST(EM) 207 IEONG
Comparison of growth analysis for Chinese and US-listed pharmaceutical companies from 2003-2018 using the lightGBM algorithm /
創造與漫想 /
題名:  創造與漫想 /
作者:  Bezos, Jeffrey, author.
出版年:  2021
索書號:  Z 473 B47 Bez 2021
ISBN:  9863986712
Investigation of liquid in cognac glass with different profiles /
題名:  Investigation of liquid in cognac glass with different profiles /
作者:  Ieong, Kuong Io
出版年:  2021
索書號:  MST(EM) 207 IEONG
Assessing gender bias in the stance of Weibo posts regarding popular idols in China /
題名:  Assessing gender bias in the stance of Weibo posts regarding popular idols in China /
作者:  Ma, Jia Ning
出版年:  2021
索書號:  MA(CM) 251 MA
Novel multifunctional nanoagents for drug delivery and cancer immunotherapy /
題名:  Novel multifunctional nanoagents for drug delivery and cancer immunotherapy /
作者:  Zhu, Li Peng
出版年:  2021
索書號:  PFHS 122 ZHU
Assessing gender bias in the stance of Weibo posts regarding popular idols in China /
題名:  Assessing gender bias in the stance of Weibo posts regarding popular idols in China /
作者:  Ma, Jia Ning
出版年:  2021
索書號:  MA(CM) 251 MA
世紀大瘟疫後的變與不變 : 西班牙流感的歷史借鏡 = Pale rider : the spanish flu of 1918 and how it changed the world /
題名:  世紀大瘟疫後的變與不變 : 西班牙流感的歷史借鏡 = Pale rider : the spanish flu of 1918 and how it changed the world /
作者:  Spinney, Laura, author.
出版年:  2021
索書號:  RC 150.4 Spi 2021
ISBN:  9869981682
Novel multifunctional nanoagents for drug delivery and cancer immunotherapy /
題名:  Novel multifunctional nanoagents for drug delivery and cancer immunotherapy /
作者:  Zhu, Li Peng
出版年:  2021
索書號:  PFHS 122 ZHU
An integrated computational methodology with data-driven machine learning, molecular modeling and PBPK modeling to accelerate solid dispersion formulation design /
羅馬的崛起 : 從鐵器時代到布匿戰爭 /
題名:  羅馬的崛起 : 從鐵器時代到布匿戰爭 /
作者:  Lomas, Kathryn, 1960- author.
出版年:  2021
索書號:  DG 221.5 Lom 2021
ISBN:  9789865509675
Mental health and qulity of life among Chinese pregnant and postnatal women /
題名:  Mental health and qulity of life among Chinese pregnant and postnatal women /
作者:  Yang, Yuan
出版年:  2021
索書號:  PFHS 121 YANG
An integrated computational methodology with data-driven machine learning, molecular modeling and PBPK modeling to accelerate solid dispersion formulation design /
Mental health and qulity of life among Chinese pregnant and postnatal women /
題名:  Mental health and qulity of life among Chinese pregnant and postnatal women /
作者:  Yang, Yuan
出版年:  2021
索書號:  PFHS 121 YANG
Gender with no borders : The Husband Stitch  /
題名:  Gender with no borders : The Husband Stitch /
作者:  Franciso, Claudia
出版年:  2021
索書號:  MFAH(T) 237 FRA
題名:  豐饒之海.
作者:  三島由紀夫, 1925-1970, author
出版年:  2021
索書號:  PL 833 I7 Hoj 2021
ISBN:  9863598631
阿德勒談生命風格 : 當個體心理學大師面對問題兒童的挑戰 /
題名:  阿德勒談生命風格 : 當個體心理學大師面對問題兒童的挑戰 /
作者:  Adler, Alfred, 1870-1937, author.
出版年:  2021
索書號:  BF 721 Adl 2021
ISBN:  986073433X
The mental health status of clinically stable older patients with psychiatric disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic in China /