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学林新语 : 从文学阐述到文化评论 = New academic insights : from literary interpretation to cultural criticism  /
題名:  学林新语 : 从文学阐述到文化评论 = New academic insights : from literary interpretation to cultural criticism /
作者:  刘景松, author.
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PL 2262.2 Liu 2022
ISBN:  7520199339
回眸情依旧 /
題名:  回眸情依旧 /
作者:  陈佐洱, 1942-
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PL 2840 T766 Hui 2022
ISBN:  9787520535069
宪法与宪法理论 /
題名:  宪法与宪法理论 /
作者:  Canotilho, José Joaquim Gomes, author
出版年:  2022
索書號:  K 3165 Can 2022
ISBN:  9787520197953
宪法与宪法理论 /
題名:  宪法与宪法理论 /
作者:  Canotilho, José Joaquim Gomes, author
出版年:  2022
索書號:  K 3165 Can 2022
ISBN:  9787520197953
Análise e avaliação das traduções realizadas pelo Google, Bing e Baidu de neologismos chineses na documentação do perído entre 2017-2020 para a língua portuguesa /
Paraíso /
題名:  Paraíso /
作者:  Gurnah, Abdulrazak, 1948- autor.
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PR 9399.9 G87 Par 2022
ISBN:  9896233942
Análise e avaliação das traduções realizadas pelo Google, Bing e Baidu de neologismos chineses na documentação do perído entre 2017-2020 para a língua portuguesa /
Compreensão oral em ação A1/A2 : mais de 100 exercícios com áudio /
題名:  Compreensão oral em ação A1/A2 : mais de 100 exercícios com áudio /
作者:  Oliveira, Carla, autor.
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PC 5250 Oli 2022
ISBN:  9897526323
勞美玉詩文集 /
題名:  勞美玉詩文集 /
作者:  勞美玉, 1950- author
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PL 2876 A625 A6 Lao 2022
ISBN:  6269565774
中国語学辞典 /
題名:  中国語学辞典 /
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PL 681 C5 Chu 2022
ISBN:  4000803220
澳門節慶文化研究 /
題名:  澳門節慶文化研究 /
作者:  王習雯
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PFAH(LIT-C) 038 WANG
澳門節慶文化研究 /
題名:  澳門節慶文化研究 /
作者:  王習雯
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PFAH(LIT-C) 038 WANG
The when, where, and how of Chinese morphological processing in the human brain : evidence from EEG-fNIRS /
題名:  The when, where, and how of Chinese morphological processing in the human brain : evidence from EEG-fNIRS /
作者:  Gao, Fei
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PFAH(LING-E) 029 GAO
The when, where, and how of Chinese morphological processing in the human brain : evidence from EEG-fNIRS /
題名:  The when, where, and how of Chinese morphological processing in the human brain : evidence from EEG-fNIRS /
作者:  Gao, Fei
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PFAH(LING-E) 029 GAO
"V 動" 述補結構的句法分析與歷時演變 = The syntactic analysis and the diachronic evolution of "V-Dong" verb-complement structure /
"V 動" 述補結構的句法分析與歷時演變 = The syntactic analysis and the diachronic evolution of "V-Dong" verb-complement structure /
從"哲性鄉愁"看畢飛宇《青衣》的戲曲書寫 = The writing of the opera in Bi Feiyu's "Tsing Yi" from the perspective of "philosophical nostalgia" /
The distributive surveillant contract : reforming "surveillance capitalism through taxation" into a legal teleology of global economic justice /
20世纪中国科幻小说史 = History of Chinese science fiction in the 20th century /
題名:  20世纪中国科幻小说史 = History of Chinese science fiction in the 20th century /
出版年:  2022
索書號:  PL 2419 S35 20 2022
ISBN:  7301326858
從"哲性鄉愁"看畢飛宇《青衣》的戲曲書寫 = The writing of the opera in Bi Feiyu's "Tsing Yi" from the perspective of "philosophical nostalgia" /
The distributive surveillant contract : reforming "surveillance capitalism through taxation" into a legal teleology of global economic justice /
社會語言學視閾下《三體》語言風格研究 = The research on the language style of "The Three-Body Problem" from the perspective of sociolinguistics /
論本澳強制措施對非本澳居民之適用問題 = The issue of adopting Macau criminal mandatory measures upon non-residents /
社會語言學視閾下《三體》語言風格研究 = The research on the language style of "The Three-Body Problem" from the perspective of sociolinguistics /
論本澳強制措施對非本澳居民之適用問題 = The issue of adopting Macau criminal mandatory measures upon non-residents /
從《北京兒歌》看 "兒" 構詞的語義限制條件 = The semantic constraints of Erhua from Pekinese Rhymes /
從《北京兒歌》看 "兒" 構詞的語義限制條件 = The semantic constraints of Erhua from Pekinese Rhymes /
白鯨成為《白鯨》: 象形文字的暴虐與文學性的書寫 = Moby Dick becomes Moby-Dick; or, The Whale : the violence of the hieroglyph and the writing of littérarité /
白鯨成為《白鯨》: 象形文字的暴虐與文學性的書寫 = Moby Dick becomes Moby-Dick; or, The Whale : the violence of the hieroglyph and the writing of littérarité /
廣州呂田本地話音韻特徵與性質研究 = On the phonological characteristics and affiliation of the Lutian dialect in Guangzhou /