新上架圖書 ()

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Between the red and the rockies /
題名:  Between the red and the rockies /
作者:  MacEwan, John Walter Grant
出版年:  1979
索書號:  RBK1970-00087
Entre dois mundos : a jornada de Sheun Ming Ling = between two worlds : the journey of Sheun Ming Ling / Eduardo Bueno ; coordenação = coordination, Sandra Lemchen Moscovich.
The SAGE handbook of corporate governance /
題名:  The SAGE handbook of corporate governance /
出版年:  2012
索書號:  HD 2741 SAG 2012
ISBN:  9781412929806
中英雙向翻譯新視野 : 英文讀, 寫, 譯實務與體例 = Two-way translations between English and Chinese /
題名:  中英雙向翻譯新視野 : 英文讀, 寫, 譯實務與體例 = Two-way translations between English and Chinese /
作者:  葉乃嘉
出版年:  2007
索書號:  P 306 Yeh 2007
ISBN:  9789571146485
莎士比亚和他的戏剧 /
題名:  莎士比亚和他的戏剧 /
作者:  施咸荣.
出版年:  1981
索書號:  PR 2979 C5 Shi 1981
A short history of Shakespearean criticism /
題名:  A short history of Shakespearean criticism /
作者:  Eastman, Arthur M., 1918- author
出版年:  [1968]
索書號:  RBK1960-00067
The riddle of Shakespeare's sonnets : the text of the Sonnets, with interpretive essays by Edward Hubler, Northrop Frye, Leslie A. Fiedler, Stephen Spender, and R.P. Blackmur, and including the full text of Oscar Wilde's The portrait of Mr W.H.
Shakespeare's problem comedies.
題名:  Shakespeare's problem comedies.
作者:  Lawrence, William Witherle, 1876-1958.
出版年:  c1960.
索書號:  RBK1960-00010
Interpreting Hamlet : materials for analysis /
題名:  Interpreting Hamlet : materials for analysis /
作者:  Leavenworth, Russell E.
出版年:  1960
索書號:  RBK1960-00048
Shakespeare's comedy of love.
題名:  Shakespeare's comedy of love.
作者:  Leggatt, Alexander.
出版年:  1974
索書號:  RBK1970-00178
ISBN:  0416791204
Understanding Shakespeare /
題名:  Understanding Shakespeare /
作者:  Ludowyk, E. F. C. 1906-1985. (Evelyn Frederick Charles),
出版年:  1962
索書號:  RBK1960-00060
Shaw on Shakespeare : an anthology of Bernard Shaw's writings on the plays and production of Shakespeare /
題名:  Shaw on Shakespeare : an anthology of Bernard Shaw's writings on the plays and production of Shakespeare /
作者:  Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950. author
出版年:  [1961]
索書號:  RBK1960-00035
題名:  劉半農選集.
作者:  劉復, 1891-1934.
出版年:  [1980?]
索書號:  PL 2782 F8 Liu 1980
題名:  鄒韜奮選集.
作者:  韜奮, 1895-1944
出版年:  [1980 or 1981]
索書號:  PL 2815 O9 Tso 1980
The sage and society : the life and thought of Ho Hsin-Yin /
題名:  The sage and society : the life and thought of Ho Hsin-Yin /
作者:  Dimberg, Ronald G.
出版年:  1974
索書號:  RBK1970-00006
ISBN:  0824803477
墳 /
題名:  墳 /
作者:  魯迅, 1881-1936
出版年:  1980
索書號:  PL 2754 S5 Fen 1980
Dicionário de francês-português.
題名:  Dicionário de francês-português.
出版年:  [1979]
索書號:  RBK1970-00157
The national income of Hong Kong, 1947-1950 /
題名:  The national income of Hong Kong, 1947-1950 /
作者:  Ma, Jung-li
出版年:  1955
索書號:  RBK1970-00184
題名:  中國近代史論叢.
作者:  包遵彭
出版年:  1979-1981.
索書號:  DS 774 Chu
The fulcrum of Asia : relations among China, India, Pakistan, and the USSR /
題名:  The fulcrum of Asia : relations among China, India, Pakistan, and the USSR /
作者:  Sen Gupta, Bhabani, 1921-
出版年:  c1970.
索書號:  RBK1970-00188
題名:  張秀亞選集.
作者:  張秀亞, 1919-2001
出版年:  [1980?]
索書號:  PL 2837 H765 Cha 1980
題名:  被欺淩與被侮辱的
作者:  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881
索書號:  PG3327 TUO
春潮 /
題名:  春潮 /
作者:  Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883
出版年:  1980
索書號:  PG 3427 C5 Ves 1980
懺情書 /
題名:  懺情書 /
作者:  鹿橋
出版年:  ,
索書號:  PL 2880 U2 Cha 1981
題名:  王統照文集.
作者:  王統照, 1897-1957
出版年:  1980
索書號:  PL 2822 T8 Wan 1980
苗族民間故事選 /
題名:  苗族民間故事選 /
出版年:  1981
索書號:  GR 336 Mia 1981
澳門行政程序法典 : 釋義, 比較與分析 = Anotacoes do codigo do procedimento administrativo de Macau /
題名:  澳門行政程序法典 : 釋義, 比較與分析 = Anotacoes do codigo do procedimento administrativo de Macau /
作者:  Zhu, Lin
出版年:  1996
索書號:  K M3 3402 Chu 1996
ISBN:  9728147643
全国逻辑讨论会论文选集, 1979 /
題名:  全国逻辑讨论会论文选集, 1979 /
作者:  全国逻辑讨论会 北京, 中国) 1979 : (2nd :
出版年:  1981
索書號:  BC 5 Chu 1979
Western views of China and the Far East /
題名:  Western views of China and the Far East /
出版年:  [1982]-[1984]
索書號:  DS 727 Wes 1982
青春殘酷物語 /
題名:  青春殘酷物語 /
作者:  寂然, 1974-
出版年:  2012
索書號:  PL 2842 J36 A6 Chi 2012
ISBN:  9789993781462